Path : /etc/nginx/conf.d/users/easyrentals/easy.rentals/
Upload :
Current File : //etc/nginx/conf.d/users/easyrentals/easy.rentals/wp-toolkit.conf

# This file is automatically generated by WordPress Toolkit.
# Please do not modify the contents of this file, because this can lead to reduced security or malfunctioning of your website.
# If the file was accidentally modified or otherwise damaged, you can regenerate it by deleting it and reapplying all security
# measures for this site in WordPress Toolkit UI.

                        # WordPress permalink
    # To remove this rule, add "wordpressPermalinkHandlingFeature = false" in the [ext-wp-toolkit] section of panel.ini
    # then reconfigure the current domain
    set $sef_entry_point /;
            if ($uri ~* "^/") {
            set $sef_entry_point "/index.php?$args";
        error_page 404 = $sef_entry_point;