# imports
# core
import logging; log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from itertools import chain
# site
# pkg
from passlib import hash
from passlib.context import LazyCryptContext
from passlib.utils import sys_bits
# local
__all__ = [
'ldap_context', 'ldap_nocrypt_context',
'mysql_context', 'mysql4_context', 'mysql3_context',
# master containing all identifiable hashes
def _load_master_config():
from passlib.registry import list_crypt_handlers
# get master list
schemes = list_crypt_handlers()
# exclude the ones we know have ambiguous or greedy identify() methods.
excluded = [
# frequently confused for eachother
# no good identifiers
# all have same size
# plaintext handlers
# disabled handlers
for name in excluded:
# return config
return dict(schemes=schemes, default="sha256_crypt")
master_context = LazyCryptContext(onload=_load_master_config)
# for quickly bootstrapping new custom applications
custom_app_context = LazyCryptContext(
# choose some reasonbly strong schemes
schemes=["sha512_crypt", "sha256_crypt"],
# set some useful global options
default="sha256_crypt" if sys_bits < 64 else "sha512_crypt",
# set a good starting point for rounds selection
sha512_crypt__min_rounds = 535000,
sha256_crypt__min_rounds = 535000,
# if the admin user category is selected, make a much stronger hash,
admin__sha512_crypt__min_rounds = 1024000,
admin__sha256_crypt__min_rounds = 1024000,
# django
_django10_schemes = [
"django_salted_sha1", "django_salted_md5", "django_des_crypt",
"hex_md5", "django_disabled",
django10_context = LazyCryptContext(
_django14_schemes = ["django_pbkdf2_sha256", "django_pbkdf2_sha1",
"django_bcrypt"] + _django10_schemes
django14_context = LazyCryptContext(
_django16_schemes = _django14_schemes[:]
_django16_schemes.insert(1, "django_bcrypt_sha256")
django16_context = LazyCryptContext(
django110_context = LazyCryptContext(
schemes=["django_pbkdf2_sha256", "django_pbkdf2_sha1",
"django_argon2", "django_bcrypt", "django_bcrypt_sha256",
# this will always point to latest version
django_context = django110_context
# ldap
std_ldap_schemes = ["ldap_salted_sha1", "ldap_salted_md5",
"ldap_sha1", "ldap_md5",
"ldap_plaintext" ]
# create context with all std ldap schemes EXCEPT crypt
ldap_nocrypt_context = LazyCryptContext(std_ldap_schemes)
# create context with all possible std ldap + ldap crypt schemes
def _iter_ldap_crypt_schemes():
from passlib.utils import unix_crypt_schemes
return ('ldap_' + name for name in unix_crypt_schemes)
def _iter_ldap_schemes():
"""helper which iterates over supported std ldap schemes"""
return chain(std_ldap_schemes, _iter_ldap_crypt_schemes())
ldap_context = LazyCryptContext(_iter_ldap_schemes())
### create context with all std ldap schemes + crypt schemes for localhost
##def _iter_host_ldap_schemes():
## "helper which iterates over supported std ldap schemes"
## from passlib.handlers.ldap_digests import get_host_ldap_crypt_schemes
## return chain(std_ldap_schemes, get_host_ldap_crypt_schemes())
##ldap_host_context = LazyCryptContext(_iter_host_ldap_schemes())
# mysql
mysql3_context = LazyCryptContext(["mysql323"])
mysql4_context = LazyCryptContext(["mysql41", "mysql323"], deprecated="mysql323")
mysql_context = mysql4_context # tracks latest mysql version supported
# postgres
postgres_context = LazyCryptContext(["postgres_md5"])
# phpass & variants
def _create_phpass_policy(**kwds):
"""helper to choose default alg based on bcrypt availability"""
kwds['default'] = 'bcrypt' if hash.bcrypt.has_backend() else 'phpass'
return kwds
phpass_context = LazyCryptContext(
schemes=["bcrypt", "phpass", "bsdi_crypt"],
phpbb3_context = LazyCryptContext(["phpass"], phpass__ident="H")
# TODO: support the drupal phpass variants (see phpass homepage)
# roundup
_std_roundup_schemes = [ "ldap_hex_sha1", "ldap_hex_md5", "ldap_des_crypt", "roundup_plaintext" ]
roundup10_context = LazyCryptContext(_std_roundup_schemes)
# NOTE: 'roundup15' really applies to roundup 1.4.17+
roundup_context = roundup15_context = LazyCryptContext(
schemes=_std_roundup_schemes + [ "ldap_pbkdf2_sha1" ],
default = "ldap_pbkdf2_sha1",
ldap_pbkdf2_sha1__default_rounds = 10000,
# eof