"""passlib.handlers.scrypt -- scrypt password hash"""
# imports
from __future__ import with_statement, absolute_import
# core
import logging; log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# site
# pkg
from passlib.crypto import scrypt as _scrypt
from passlib.utils import h64, to_bytes
from passlib.utils.binary import h64, b64s_decode, b64s_encode
from passlib.utils.compat import u, bascii_to_str, suppress_cause
from passlib.utils.decor import classproperty
import passlib.utils.handlers as uh
# local
__all__ = [
# scrypt format identifiers
IDENT_SCRYPT = u("$scrypt$") # identifier used by passlib
IDENT_7 = u("$7$") # used by official scrypt spec
_UDOLLAR = u("$")
# handler
class scrypt(uh.ParallelismMixin, uh.HasRounds, uh.HasRawSalt, uh.HasRawChecksum, uh.HasManyIdents,
"""This class implements an SCrypt-based password [#scrypt-home]_ hash, and follows the :ref:`password-hash-api`.
It supports a variable-length salt, a variable number of rounds,
as well as some custom tuning parameters unique to scrypt (see below).
The :meth:`~passlib.ifc.PasswordHash.using` method accepts the following optional keywords:
:type salt: str
:param salt:
Optional salt string.
If specified, the length must be between 0-1024 bytes.
If not specified, one will be auto-generated (this is recommended).
:type salt_size: int
:param salt_size:
Optional number of bytes to use when autogenerating new salts.
Defaults to 16 bytes, but can be any value between 0 and 1024.
:type rounds: int
:param rounds:
Optional number of rounds to use.
Defaults to 16, but must be within ``range(1,32)``.
.. warning::
Unlike many hash algorithms, increasing the rounds value
will increase both the time *and memory* required to hash a password.
:type block_size: int
:param block_size:
Optional block size to pass to scrypt hash function (the ``r`` parameter).
Useful for tuning scrypt to optimal performance for your CPU architecture.
Defaults to 8.
:type parallelism: int
:param parallelism:
Optional parallelism to pass to scrypt hash function (the ``p`` parameter).
Defaults to 1.
:type relaxed: bool
:param relaxed:
By default, providing an invalid value for one of the other
keywords will result in a :exc:`ValueError`. If ``relaxed=True``,
and the error can be corrected, a :exc:`~passlib.exc.PasslibHashWarning`
will be issued instead. Correctable errors include ``rounds``
that are too small or too large, and ``salt`` strings that are too long.
.. note::
The underlying scrypt hash function has a number of limitations
on it's parameter values, which forbids certain combinations of settings.
The requirements are:
* ``linear_rounds = 2**<some positive integer>``
* ``linear_rounds < 2**(16 * block_size)``
* ``block_size * parallelism <= 2**30-1``
.. todo::
This class currently does not support configuring default values
for ``block_size`` or ``parallelism`` via a :class:`~passlib.context.CryptContext`
# class attrs
# PasswordHash
name = "scrypt"
setting_kwds = ("ident", "salt", "salt_size", "rounds", "block_size", "parallelism")
# GenericHandler
# NOTE: scrypt supports arbitrary output sizes. since it's output runs through
# pbkdf2-hmac-sha256 before returning, and this could be raised eventually...
# but a 256-bit digest is more than sufficient for password hashing.
# XXX: make checksum size configurable? could merge w/ argon2 code that does this.
checksum_size = 32
# HasManyIdents
default_ident = IDENT_SCRYPT
ident_values = (IDENT_SCRYPT, IDENT_7)
# HasRawSalt
default_salt_size = 16
max_salt_size = 1024
# HasRounds
# TODO: would like to dynamically pick this based on system
default_rounds = 16
min_rounds = 1
max_rounds = 31 # limited by scrypt alg
rounds_cost = "log2"
# TODO: make default block size configurable via using(), and deprecatable via .needs_update()
# instance attrs
#: default parallelism setting (min=1 currently hardcoded in mixin)
parallelism = 1
#: default block size setting
block_size = 8
# variant constructor
def using(cls, block_size=None, **kwds):
subcls = super(scrypt, cls).using(**kwds)
if block_size is not None:
if isinstance(block_size, uh.native_string_types):
block_size = int(block_size)
subcls.block_size = subcls._norm_block_size(block_size, relaxed=kwds.get("relaxed"))
# make sure param combination is valid for scrypt()
_scrypt.validate(1 << cls.default_rounds, cls.block_size, cls.parallelism)
except ValueError as err:
raise suppress_cause(ValueError("scrypt: invalid settings combination: " + str(err)))
return subcls
# parsing
def from_string(cls, hash):
return cls(**cls.parse(hash))
def parse(cls, hash):
ident, suffix = cls._parse_ident(hash)
func = getattr(cls, "_parse_%s_string" % ident.strip(_UDOLLAR), None)
if func:
return func(suffix)
raise uh.exc.InvalidHashError(cls)
# passlib's format:
# $scrypt$ln=<logN>,r=<r>,p=<p>$<salt>[$<digest>]
# where:
# logN, r, p -- decimal-encoded positive integer, no zero-padding
# logN -- log cost setting
# r -- block size setting (usually 8)
# p -- parallelism setting (usually 1)
# salt, digest -- b64-nopad encoded bytes
def _parse_scrypt_string(cls, suffix):
# break params, salt, and digest sections
parts = suffix.split("$")
if len(parts) == 3:
params, salt, digest = parts
elif len(parts) == 2:
params, salt = parts
digest = None
raise uh.exc.MalformedHashError(cls, "malformed hash")
# break params apart
parts = params.split(",")
if len(parts) == 3:
nstr, bstr, pstr = parts
assert nstr.startswith("ln=")
assert bstr.startswith("r=")
assert pstr.startswith("p=")
raise uh.exc.MalformedHashError(cls, "malformed settings field")
return dict(
checksum=b64s_decode(digest.encode("ascii")) if digest else None,
# official format specification defined at
# https://gitlab.com/jas/scrypt-unix-crypt/blob/master/unix-scrypt.txt
# format:
# $7$<N><rrrrr><ppppp><salt...>[$<digest>]
# 0 12345 67890 1
# where:
# All bytes use h64-little-endian encoding
# N: 6-bit log cost setting
# r: 30-bit block size setting
# p: 30-bit parallelism setting
# salt: variable length salt bytes
# digest: fixed 32-byte digest
def _parse_7_string(cls, suffix):
# XXX: annoyingly, official spec embeds salt *raw*, yet doesn't specify a hash encoding.
# so assuming only h64 chars are valid for salt, and are ASCII encoded.
# split into params & digest
parts = suffix.encode("ascii").split(b"$")
if len(parts) == 2:
params, digest = parts
elif len(parts) == 1:
params, = parts
digest = None
raise uh.exc.MalformedHashError()
# parse params & return
if len(params) < 11:
raise uh.exc.MalformedHashError(cls, "params field too short")
return dict(
checksum=h64.decode_bytes(digest) if digest else None,
# formatting
def to_string(self):
ident = self.ident
if ident == IDENT_SCRYPT:
return "$scrypt$ln=%d,r=%d,p=%d$%s$%s" % (
assert ident == IDENT_7
salt = self.salt
except UnicodeDecodeError:
raise suppress_cause(NotImplementedError("scrypt $7$ hashes dont support non-ascii salts"))
return bascii_to_str(b"".join([
# init
def __init__(self, block_size=None, **kwds):
super(scrypt, self).__init__(**kwds)
# init block size
if block_size is None:
assert uh.validate_default_value(self, self.block_size, self._norm_block_size,
self.block_size = self._norm_block_size(block_size)
# NOTE: if hash contains invalid complex constraint, relying on error
# being raised by scrypt call in _calc_checksum()
def _norm_block_size(cls, block_size, relaxed=False):
return uh.norm_integer(cls, block_size, min=1, param="block_size", relaxed=relaxed)
def _generate_salt(self):
salt = super(scrypt, self)._generate_salt()
if self.ident == IDENT_7:
# this format doesn't support non-ascii salts.
# as workaround, we take raw bytes, encoded to base64
salt = b64s_encode(salt)
return salt
# backend configuration
# NOTE: this following HasManyBackends' API, but provides it's own implementation,
# which actually switches the backend that 'passlib.crypto.scrypt.scrypt()' uses.
def backends(cls):
return _scrypt.backend_values
def get_backend(cls):
return _scrypt.backend
def has_backend(cls, name="any"):
cls.set_backend(name, dryrun=True)
return True
except uh.exc.MissingBackendError:
return False
def set_backend(cls, name="any", dryrun=False):
_scrypt._set_backend(name, dryrun=dryrun)
# digest calculation
def _calc_checksum(self, secret):
secret = to_bytes(secret, param="secret")
return _scrypt.scrypt(secret, self.salt, n=(1 << self.rounds), r=self.block_size,
p=self.parallelism, keylen=self.checksum_size)
# hash migration
def _calc_needs_update(self, **kwds):
mark hash as needing update if rounds is outside desired bounds.
# XXX: for now, marking all hashes which don't have matching block_size setting
if self.block_size != type(self).block_size:
return True
return super(scrypt, self)._calc_needs_update(**kwds)
# eoc
# eof