"""tests for passlib.hash -- (c) Assurance Technologies 2003-2009"""
# imports
from __future__ import with_statement
# core
from logging import getLogger
import warnings
import sys
# site
# pkg
from passlib import hash, registry, exc
from passlib.registry import register_crypt_handler, register_crypt_handler_path, \
get_crypt_handler, list_crypt_handlers, _unload_handler_name as unload_handler_name
import passlib.utils.handlers as uh
from passlib.tests.utils import TestCase
# module
log = getLogger(__name__)
# dummy handlers
# NOTE: these are defined outside of test case
# since they're used by test_register_crypt_handler_path(),
# which needs them to be available as module globals.
class dummy_0(uh.StaticHandler):
name = "dummy_0"
class alt_dummy_0(uh.StaticHandler):
name = "dummy_0"
dummy_x = 1
# test registry
class RegistryTest(TestCase):
descriptionPrefix = "passlib.registry"
def setUp(self):
super(RegistryTest, self).setUp()
# backup registry state & restore it after test.
locations = dict(registry._locations)
handlers = dict(registry._handlers)
def restore():
def test_hash_proxy(self):
"""test passlib.hash proxy object"""
# check dir works
# check repr works
# check non-existent attrs raise error
self.assertRaises(AttributeError, getattr, hash, 'fooey')
# GAE tries to set __loader__,
# make sure that doesn't call register_crypt_handler.
old = getattr(hash, "__loader__", None)
test = object()
hash.__loader__ = test
self.assertIs(hash.__loader__, test)
if old is None:
del hash.__loader__
self.assertFalse(hasattr(hash, "__loader__"))
hash.__loader__ = old
self.assertIs(hash.__loader__, old)
# check storing attr calls register_crypt_handler
class dummy_1(uh.StaticHandler):
name = "dummy_1"
hash.dummy_1 = dummy_1
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler("dummy_1"), dummy_1)
# check storing under wrong name results in error
self.assertRaises(ValueError, setattr, hash, "dummy_1x", dummy_1)
def test_register_crypt_handler_path(self):
"""test register_crypt_handler_path()"""
# NOTE: this messes w/ internals of registry, shouldn't be used publically.
paths = registry._locations
# check namespace is clear
self.assertTrue('dummy_0' not in paths)
self.assertFalse(hasattr(hash, 'dummy_0'))
# check invalid names are rejected
self.assertRaises(ValueError, register_crypt_handler_path,
"dummy_0", ".test_registry")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, register_crypt_handler_path,
"dummy_0", __name__ + ":dummy_0:xxx")
self.assertRaises(ValueError, register_crypt_handler_path,
"dummy_0", __name__ + ":dummy_0.xxx")
# try lazy load
register_crypt_handler_path('dummy_0', __name__)
self.assertTrue('dummy_0' in list_crypt_handlers())
self.assertTrue('dummy_0' not in list_crypt_handlers(loaded_only=True))
self.assertIs(hash.dummy_0, dummy_0)
self.assertTrue('dummy_0' in list_crypt_handlers(loaded_only=True))
# try lazy load w/ alt
register_crypt_handler_path('dummy_0', __name__ + ':alt_dummy_0')
self.assertIs(hash.dummy_0, alt_dummy_0)
# check lazy load w/ wrong type fails
register_crypt_handler_path('dummy_x', __name__)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, get_crypt_handler, 'dummy_x')
# check lazy load w/ wrong name fails
register_crypt_handler_path('alt_dummy_0', __name__)
self.assertRaises(ValueError, get_crypt_handler, "alt_dummy_0")
# TODO: check lazy load which calls register_crypt_handler (warning should be issued)
sys.modules.pop("passlib.tests._test_bad_register", None)
register_crypt_handler_path("dummy_bad", "passlib.tests._test_bad_register")
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "xxxxxxxxxx", DeprecationWarning)
h = get_crypt_handler("dummy_bad")
from passlib.tests import _test_bad_register as tbr
self.assertIs(h, tbr.alt_dummy_bad)
def test_register_crypt_handler(self):
"""test register_crypt_handler()"""
self.assertRaises(TypeError, register_crypt_handler, {})
self.assertRaises(ValueError, register_crypt_handler, type('x', (uh.StaticHandler,), dict(name=None)))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, register_crypt_handler, type('x', (uh.StaticHandler,), dict(name="AB_CD")))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, register_crypt_handler, type('x', (uh.StaticHandler,), dict(name="ab-cd")))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, register_crypt_handler, type('x', (uh.StaticHandler,), dict(name="ab__cd")))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, register_crypt_handler, type('x', (uh.StaticHandler,), dict(name="default")))
class dummy_1(uh.StaticHandler):
name = "dummy_1"
class dummy_1b(uh.StaticHandler):
name = "dummy_1"
self.assertTrue('dummy_1' not in list_crypt_handlers())
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler("dummy_1"), dummy_1)
self.assertRaises(KeyError, register_crypt_handler, dummy_1b)
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler("dummy_1"), dummy_1)
register_crypt_handler(dummy_1b, force=True)
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler("dummy_1"), dummy_1b)
self.assertTrue('dummy_1' in list_crypt_handlers())
def test_get_crypt_handler(self):
"""test get_crypt_handler()"""
class dummy_1(uh.StaticHandler):
name = "dummy_1"
# without available handler
self.assertRaises(KeyError, get_crypt_handler, "dummy_1")
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler("dummy_1", None), None)
# already loaded handler
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler("dummy_1"), dummy_1)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "handler names should be lower-case, and use underscores instead of hyphens:.*", UserWarning)
# already loaded handler, using incorrect name
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler("DUMMY-1"), dummy_1)
# lazy load of unloaded handler, using incorrect name
register_crypt_handler_path('dummy_0', __name__)
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler("DUMMY-0"), dummy_0)
# check system & private names aren't returned
import passlib.hash # ensure module imported, so py3.3 sets __package__
passlib.hash.__dict__["_fake"] = "dummy" # so behavior seen under py2x also
for name in ["_fake", "__package__"]:
self.assertRaises(KeyError, get_crypt_handler, name)
self.assertIs(get_crypt_handler(name, None), None)
def test_list_crypt_handlers(self):
"""test list_crypt_handlers()"""
from passlib.registry import list_crypt_handlers
# check system & private names aren't returned
import passlib.hash # ensure module imported, so py3.3 sets __package__
passlib.hash.__dict__["_fake"] = "dummy" # so behavior seen under py2x also
for name in list_crypt_handlers():
self.assertFalse(name.startswith("_"), "%r: " % name)
def test_handlers(self):
"""verify we have tests for all builtin handlers"""
from passlib.registry import list_crypt_handlers
from passlib.tests.test_handlers import get_handler_case, conditionally_available_hashes
for name in list_crypt_handlers():
# skip some wrappers that don't need independant testing
if name.startswith("ldap_") and name[5:] in list_crypt_handlers():
if name in ["roundup_plaintext"]:
# check the remaining ones all have a handler
except exc.MissingBackendError:
if name in conditionally_available_hashes: # expected to fail on some setups
# eof