# This file is part of the sos project: https://github.com/sosreport/sos
# This copyrighted material is made available to anyone wishing to use,
# modify, copy, or redistribute it subject to the terms and conditions of
# version 2 of the GNU General Public License.
# See the LICENSE file in the source distribution for further information.
# This plugin enables collection of logs for Power systems
import re
from sos.plugins import Plugin, RedHatPlugin, UbuntuPlugin, DebianPlugin
class IprConfig(Plugin, RedHatPlugin, UbuntuPlugin, DebianPlugin):
"""IBM Power RAID storage adapter configuration information
plugin_name = 'iprconfig'
packages = ('iprutils',)
architectures = ('ppc64.*',)
def setup(self):
"iprconfig -c show-config",
"iprconfig -c show-alt-config",
"iprconfig -c show-arrays",
"iprconfig -c show-jbod-disks",
"iprconfig -c show-ioas",
"iprconfig -c show-hot-spares",
"iprconfig -c show-af-disks",
"iprconfig -c show-all-af-disks",
"iprconfig -c show-slots",
show_ioas = self.collect_cmd_output("iprconfig -c show-ioas")
if not show_ioas['status'] == 0:
devices = []
if show_ioas['output']:
p = re.compile('sg')
for line in show_ioas['output'].splitlines():
temp = line.split(' ')
# temp[0] holds the device name
if p.search(temp[0]):
for device in devices:
self.add_cmd_output("iprconfig -c show-details %s" % device)
self.add_cmd_output("iprconfig -c show-battery-info %s" % device)
self.add_cmd_output("iprconfig -c show-perf %s" % device)
# Look for IBM Power RAID enclosures (iprconfig lists them)
show_config = self.collect_cmd_output("iprconfig -c show-config")
if not show_config['status'] == 0:
if not show_config['output']:
# iprconfig -c show-config
# Name PCI/SCSI Location Description Status
# ------ ------------------------- ------------------------- -----------------
# 0005:60:00.0/0: PCI-E SAS RAID Adapter Operational
# sda 0005:60:00.0/0:0:0:0 Physical Disk Active
# sdb 0005:60:00.0/0:1:0:0 Physical Disk Active
# sdc 0005:60:00.0/0:2:0:0 Physical Disk Active
# sdd 0005:60:00.0/0:3:0:0 Physical Disk Active
# sde 0005:60:00.0/0:4:0:0 Physical Disk Active
# sdf 0005:60:00.0/0:5:0:0 Physical Disk Active
# 0005:60:00.0/0:8:0:0 Enclosure Active
# 0005:60:00.0/0:8:1:0 Enclosure Active
show_alt_config = "iprconfig -c show-alt-config"
altconfig = self.collect_cmd_output(show_alt_config)
if not (altconfig['status'] == 0):
if not altconfig['output']:
# iprconfig -c show-alt-config
# Name Resource Path/Address Vendor Product ID Status
# ------ -------------------------- -------- ---------------- -----------------
# sg9 0: IBM 57C7001SISIOA Operational
# sg0 0:0:0:0 IBM MBF2300RC Active
# sg1 0:1:0:0 IBM MBF2300RC Active
# sg2 0:2:0:0 IBM HUC106030CSS600 Active
# sg3 0:3:0:0 IBM HUC106030CSS600 Active
# sg4 0:4:0:0 IBM HUC106030CSS600 Active
# sg5 0:5:0:0 IBM HUC106030CSS600 Active
# sg7 0:8:0:0 IBM VSBPD6E4A 3GSAS Active
# sg8 0:8:1:0 IBM VSBPD6E4B 3GSAS Active
for line in show_config['output'].splitlines():
if "Enclosure" in line:
temp = re.split(r'\s+', line)
# temp[1] holds the PCI/SCSI location
pci, scsi = temp[1].split('/')
for alt_line in altconfig['output'].splitlines():
if scsi in alt_line:
temp = alt_line.split(' ')
# temp[0] holds device name
self.add_cmd_output("iprconfig -c "
"query-ses-mode %s" % temp[0])
# vim: set et ts=4 sw=4 :