__doc__ = """External interface to the BeautifulSoup HTML parser.
__all__ = ["fromstring", "parse", "convert_tree"]
from lxml import etree, html
from BeautifulSoup import \
BeautifulSoup, Tag, Comment, ProcessingInstruction, NavigableString
def fromstring(data, beautifulsoup=None, makeelement=None, **bsargs):
"""Parse a string of HTML data into an Element tree using the
BeautifulSoup parser.
Returns the root ``<html>`` Element of the tree.
You can pass a different BeautifulSoup parser through the
`beautifulsoup` keyword, and a diffent Element factory function
through the `makeelement` keyword. By default, the standard
``BeautifulSoup`` class and the default factory of `lxml.html` are
return _parse(data, beautifulsoup, makeelement, **bsargs)
def parse(file, beautifulsoup=None, makeelement=None, **bsargs):
"""Parse a file into an ElemenTree using the BeautifulSoup parser.
You can pass a different BeautifulSoup parser through the
`beautifulsoup` keyword, and a diffent Element factory function
through the `makeelement` keyword. By default, the standard
``BeautifulSoup`` class and the default factory of `lxml.html` are
if not hasattr(file, 'read'):
file = open(file)
root = _parse(file, beautifulsoup, makeelement, **bsargs)
return etree.ElementTree(root)
def convert_tree(beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement=None):
"""Convert a BeautifulSoup tree to a list of Element trees.
Returns a list instead of a single root Element to support
HTML-like soup with more than one root element.
You can pass a different Element factory through the `makeelement`
if makeelement is None:
makeelement = html.html_parser.makeelement
root = _convert_tree(beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement)
children = root.getchildren()
for child in children:
return children
# helpers
def _parse(source, beautifulsoup, makeelement, **bsargs):
if beautifulsoup is None:
beautifulsoup = BeautifulSoup
if makeelement is None:
makeelement = html.html_parser.makeelement
if 'convertEntities' not in bsargs:
bsargs['convertEntities'] = 'html'
tree = beautifulsoup(source, **bsargs)
root = _convert_tree(tree, makeelement)
# from ET: wrap the document in a html root element, if necessary
if len(root) == 1 and root[0].tag == "html":
return root[0]
root.tag = "html"
return root
def _convert_tree(beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement):
root = makeelement(beautiful_soup_tree.name,
_convert_children(root, beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement)
return root
def _convert_children(parent, beautiful_soup_tree, makeelement):
SubElement = etree.SubElement
et_child = None
for child in beautiful_soup_tree:
if isinstance(child, Tag):
et_child = SubElement(parent, child.name, attrib=dict(
[(k, unescape(v)) for (k,v) in child.attrs]))
_convert_children(et_child, child, makeelement)
elif type(child) is NavigableString:
_append_text(parent, et_child, unescape(child))
if isinstance(child, Comment):
elif isinstance(child, ProcessingInstruction):
*child.split(' ', 1)))
else: # CData
_append_text(parent, et_child, unescape(child))
def _append_text(parent, element, text):
if element is None:
parent.text = (parent.text or '') + text
element.tail = (element.tail or '') + text
# copied from ET's ElementSoup
from html.entities import name2codepoint # Python 3
except ImportError:
from htmlentitydefs import name2codepoint
import re
handle_entities = re.compile("&(\w+);").sub
def unescape(string):
if not string:
return ''
# work around oddities in BeautifulSoup's entity handling
def unescape_entity(m):
return unichr(name2codepoint[m.group(1)])
except KeyError:
return m.group(0) # use as is
return handle_entities(unescape_entity, string)