# buildhelp.tcl --
# Program to extract help files from TCL manual pages or TCL script files.
# The help directories are built as a hierarchical tree of subjects and help
# files.
# Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
# Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
# implied warranty.
# $Id: buildhelp.tcl,v 1.3 2005/03/25 19:32:48 hobbs Exp $
# For nroff man pages, the areas of text to extract are delimited with:
# '\"@help: subjectdir/helpfile
# '\"@endhelp
# start in column one. The text between these markers is extracted and stored
# in help/subjectdir/help. The file must not exists, this is done to enforced
# cleaning out the directories before help file generation is started, thus
# removing any stale files. The extracted text is run through:
# nroff -man|col -xb {col -b on BSD derived systems}
# If there is other text to include in the helpfile, but not in the manual
# page, the text, along with nroff formatting commands, may be included using:
# '\"@:Other text to include in the help page.
# A entry in the brief file, used by apropos my be included by:
# '\"@brief: Short, one line description
# These brief request must occur with in the bounds of a help section.
# If some header text, such as nroff macros, need to be preappended to the
# text streem before it is run through nroff, then that text can be bracketed
# with:
# '\"@header
# '\"@endheader
# If multiple header blocks are encountered, they will all be preappended.
# For TCL script files, which are indentified because they end in ".tcl",
# the text to be extracted is delimited by:
# #@help: subjectdir/helpfile
# #@endhelp
# And brief lines are in the form:
# #@brief: Short, one line description
# The only processing done on text extracted from .tcl files it to replace
# the # in column one with a space.
# To generate help:
# buildhelp helpDir brief.brf filelist
# o helpDir is the help tree root directory. helpDir should exists, but any
# subdirectories that don't exists will be created. helpDir should be
# cleaned up before the start of manual page generation, as this program
# will not overwrite existing files.
# o brief.brf is the name of the brief file to create form the @brief entries.
# It must have an extension of ".brf". It will be created in helpDir.
# o filelist are the nroff manual pages, or .tcl, .tlib files to extract
# the help files from. If the suffix is not .tcl or .tlib, a nroff manual
# page is assumed.
#@package: TclX-buildhelp buildhelp
# Truncate a file name of a help file if the system does not support long
# file names. If the name starts with `Tcl_', then this prefix is removed.
# If the name is then over 14 characters, it is truncated to 14 charactes
proc TruncFileName {pathName} {
global truncFileNames
if {!$truncFileNames} {
return $pathName}
set fileName [file tail $pathName]
if {"[crange $fileName 0 3]" == "Tcl_"} {
set fileName [crange $fileName 4 end]}
set fileName [crange $fileName 0 13]
return "[file dirname $pathName]/$fileName"
# Proc to ensure that all directories for the specified file path exists,
# and if they don't create them. Don't use -path so we can set the
# permissions.
proc EnsureDirs {filePath} {
set dirPath [file dirname $filePath]
if [file exists $dirPath] return
foreach dir [split $dirPath /] {
lappend dirList $dir
set partPath [join $dirList /]
if [file exists $partPath] continue
mkdir $partPath
chmod u=rwx,go=rx $partPath
# Proc to set up scan context for use by FilterNroffManPage.
# This keeps the a two line cache of the previous two lines encountered
# and the blank lines that followed them.
proc CreateFilterNroffManPageContext {} {
global filterNroffManPageContext
set filterNroffManPageContext [scancontext create]
# On finding a page header, drop the previous line (which is
# the page footer). Also deleting the blank lines followin
# the last line on the previous page.
scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {@@@BUILDHELP@@@} {
catch {unset prev2Blanks}
catch {unset prev1Line}
catch {unset prev1Blanks}
set nukeBlanks {}
# Save blank lines
scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {$^} {
if ![info exists nukeBlanks] {
append prev1Blanks \n
# Non-blank line, save it. Output the 2nd previous line if necessary.
scanmatch $filterNroffManPageContext {
catch {unset nukeBlanks}
if [info exists prev2Line] {
puts $outFH $prev2Line
unset prev2Line
if [info exists prev2Blanks] {
puts $outFH $prev2Blanks nonewline
unset prev2Blanks
if [info exists prev1Line] {
set prev2Line $prev1Line
set prev1Line $matchInfo(line)
if [info exists prev1Blanks] {
set prev2Blanks $prev1Blanks
unset prev1Blanks
# Proc to filter a formatted manual page, removing the page headers and
# footers. This relies on each manual page having a .TH macro in the form:
# .TH @@@BUILDHELP@@@ n
proc FilterNroffManPage {inFH outFH} {
global filterNroffManPageContext
if ![info exists filterNroffManPageContext] {
scanfile $filterNroffManPageContext $inFH
if [info exists prev2Line] {
puts $outFH $prev2Line
# Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractNroffHeader
proc CreateExtractNroffHeaderContext {} {
global extractNroffHeaderContext
set extractNroffHeaderContext [scancontext create]
scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {'\\"@endheader[ ]*$} {
scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {'\\"@:} {
append nroffHeader "[crange $matchInfo(line) 5 end]\n"
scanmatch $extractNroffHeaderContext {
append nroffHeader "$matchInfo(line)\n"
# Proc to extract nroff text to use as a header to all pass to nroff when
# processing a help file.
# manPageFH - The file handle of the manual page.
proc ExtractNroffHeader {manPageFH} {
global extractNroffHeaderContext nroffHeader
if ![info exists extractNroffHeaderContext] {
scanfile $extractNroffHeaderContext $manPageFH
# Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractNroffHelp
proc CreateExtractNroffHelpContext {} {
global extractNroffHelpContext
set extractNroffHelpContext [scancontext create]
scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@endhelp[ ]*$} {
scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@brief:} {
if $foundBrief {
error {Duplicate "@brief:" entry}
set foundBrief 1
puts $briefHelpFH "$helpName\t[csubstr $matchInfo(line) 11 end]"
scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@:} {
puts $nroffFH [csubstr $matchInfo(line) 5 end]
scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {^'\\"@help:} {
error {"@help" found within another help section"}
scanmatch $extractNroffHelpContext {
puts $nroffFH $matchInfo(line)
# Proc to extract a nroff help file when it is located in the text.
# manPageFH - The file handle of the manual page.
# manLine - The '\"@help: line starting the data to extract.
proc ExtractNroffHelp {manPageFH manLine} {
global helpDir nroffHeader briefHelpFH colArgs
global extractNroffHelpContext
if ![info exists extractNroffHelpContext] {
set helpName [string trim [csubstr $manLine 9 end]]
set helpFile [TruncFileName "$helpDir/$helpName"]
if [file exists $helpFile] {
error "Help file already exists: $helpFile"
EnsureDirs $helpFile
set tmpFile "[file dirname $helpFile]/tmp.[id process]"
echo " creating help file $helpName"
set nroffFH [open "| nroff -man | col $colArgs > $tmpFile" w]
puts $nroffFH {.TH @@@BUILDHELP@@@ 1}
set foundBrief 0
scanfile $extractNroffHelpContext $manPageFH
# Close returns an error on if anything comes back on stderr, even if
# its a warning. Output errors and continue.
set stat [catch {
close $nroffFH
} msg]
if $stat {
puts stderr "nroff: $msg"
set tmpFH [open $tmpFile r]
set helpFH [open $helpFile w]
FilterNroffManPage $tmpFH $helpFH
close $tmpFH
close $helpFH
unlink $tmpFile
chmod a-w,a+r $helpFile
# Proc to set up scan context for use by ExtractScriptHelp
proc CreateExtractScriptHelpContext {} {
global extractScriptHelpContext
set extractScriptHelpContext [scancontext create]
scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@endhelp[ ]*$} {
scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@brief:} {
if $foundBrief {
error {Duplicate "@brief" entry}
set foundBrief 1
puts $briefHelpFH "$helpName\t[csubstr $matchInfo(line) 9 end]"
scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#@help:} {
error {"@help" found within another help section"}
scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {^#$} {
puts $helpFH ""
scanmatch $extractScriptHelpContext {
if {[clength $matchInfo(line)] > 1} {
puts $helpFH " [csubstr $matchInfo(line) 1 end]"
} else {
puts $helpFH $matchInfo(line)
# Proc to extract a tcl script help file when it is located in the text.
# ScriptPageFH - The file handle of the .tcl file.
# ScriptLine - The #@help: line starting the data to extract.
proc ExtractScriptHelp {scriptPageFH scriptLine} {
global helpDir briefHelpFH
global extractScriptHelpContext
if ![info exists extractScriptHelpContext] {
set helpName [string trim [csubstr $scriptLine 7 end]]
set helpFile "$helpDir/$helpName"
if {[file exists $helpFile]} {
error "Help file already exists: $helpFile"
EnsureDirs $helpFile
echo " creating help file $helpName"
set helpFH [open $helpFile w]
set foundBrief 0
scanfile $extractScriptHelpContext $scriptPageFH
close $helpFH
chmod a-w,a+r $helpFile
# Proc to scan a nroff manual file looking for the start of a help text
# sections and extracting those sections.
# pathName - Full path name of file to extract documentation from.
proc ProcessNroffFile {pathName} {
global nroffScanCT scriptScanCT nroffHeader
set fileName [file tail $pathName]
set nroffHeader {}
set manPageFH [open $pathName r]
set matchInfo(fileName) [file tail $pathName]
echo " scanning $pathName"
scanfile $nroffScanCT $manPageFH
close $manPageFH
# Proc to scan a Tcl script file looking for the start of a
# help text sections and extracting those sections.
# pathName - Full path name of file to extract documentation from.
proc ProcessTclScript {pathName} {
global scriptScanCT nroffHeader
set scriptFH [open "$pathName" r]
set matchInfo(fileName) [file tail $pathName]
echo " scanning $pathName"
scanfile $scriptScanCT $scriptFH
close $scriptFH
# build: main procedure. Generates help from specified files.
# helpDirPath - Directory were the help files go.
# briefFile - The name of the brief file to create.
# sourceFiles - List of files to extract help files from.
proc buildhelp {helpDirPath briefFile sourceFiles} {
global helpDir truncFileNames nroffScanCT
global scriptScanCT briefHelpFH colArgs
echo ""
echo "Begin building help tree"
# Determine version of col command to use (no -x on BSD)
if {[catch {exec col -bx </dev/null >/dev/null 2>/dev/null}]} {
set colArgs {-b}
} else {
set colArgs {-bx}
set helpDir $helpDirPath
if {![file exists $helpDir]} {
mkdir $helpDir
if {![file isdirectory $helpDir]} {
error "$helpDir is not a directory or does not exist.\n \
This should be the help root directory"
set status [catch {set tmpFH [open $helpDir/AVeryVeryBigFileName w]}]
if {$status != 0} {
set truncFileNames 1
} else {
close $tmpFH
unlink $helpDir/AVeryVeryBigFileName
set truncFileNames 0
set nroffScanCT [scancontext create]
scanmatch $nroffScanCT {'\\"@help:} {
ExtractNroffHelp $matchInfo(handle) $matchInfo(line)
scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@header} {
ExtractNroffHeader $matchInfo(handle)
scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@endhelp} {
error [concat {@endhelp" without corresponding "@help:"} \
", offset = $matchInfo(offset)"]
scanmatch $nroffScanCT {^'\\"@brief} {
error [concat {"@brief" without corresponding "@help:"} \
", offset = $matchInfo(offset)"]
set scriptScanCT [scancontext create]
scanmatch $scriptScanCT {^#@help:} {
ExtractScriptHelp $matchInfo(handle) $matchInfo(line)
if {[file extension $briefFile] != ".brf"} {
error "Brief file \"$briefFile\" must have an extension \".brf\""
if [file exists $helpDir/$briefFile] {
error "Brief file \"$helpDir/$briefFile\" already exists"
set briefHelpFH [open "|sort > $helpDir/$briefFile" w]
foreach manFile [glob $sourceFiles] {
set ext [file extension $manFile]
if {$ext == ".tcl" || $ext == ".tlib"} {
set status [catch {ProcessTclScript $manFile} msg]
} else {
set status [catch {ProcessNroffFile $manFile} msg]
if {$status != 0} {
global errorInfo errorCode
error "Error extracting help from: $manFile" $errorInfo $errorCode
close $briefHelpFH
chmod a-w,a+r $helpDir/$briefFile
echo "Completed extraction of help files"