# convlib.tcl --
# Convert Ousterhout style tclIndex files and associated libraries to a
# package library.
# Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
# Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
# implied warranty.
# $Id: convlib.tcl,v 1.1 2001/10/24 23:31:48 hobbs Exp $
#@package: TclX-convertlib convert_lib
namespace eval TclX {
# ParseTclIndex
# Parse a tclIndex file, returning an array of file names with the list of
# procedures in each package. This is done by sourcing the file and then
# going through the local auto_index array that was created. Issues
# warnings for lines that can't be converted.
# Returns 1 if all lines are converted, 0 if some failed.
proc ParseTclIndex {tclIndex fileTblVar ignore} {
upvar $fileTblVar fileTbl
set allOK 1
# Open and validate the file.
set tclIndexFH [open $tclIndex r]
try_eval {
set hdr [gets $tclIndexFH]
if {!([cequal $hdr {# Tcl autoload index file, version 2.0}] ||
[cequal $hdr == {# Tcl autoload index file, version 2.0 for [incr Tcl]}])} {
error "can only convert version 2.0 Tcl auto-load files"
set dir [file dirname $tclIndex] ;# Expected by the script.
eval [read $tclIndexFH]
} {} {
close $tclIndexFH
foreach procName [array names auto_index] {
if ![string match "source *" $auto_index($procName)] {
puts stderr "WARNING: Can't convert load command for\
\"$procName\": $auto_index($procName)"
set allOK 0
set filePath [lindex $auto_index($procName) 1]
set fileName [file tail $filePath]
if {[lsearch $ignore $fileName] >= 0} continue
lappend fileTbl($filePath) $procName
if ![info exists fileTbl] {
error "no entries could be converted in $tclIndex"
return $allOK
} ;# namespace TclX
# convert_lib:
# Convert a tclIndex library to a .tlib. ignore any files in the ignore
# list
proc convert_lib {tclIndex packageLib {ignore {}}} {
if {[file tail $tclIndex] != "tclIndex"} {
error "Tail file name must be `tclIndex': $tclIndex"}
if ![file readable $tclIndex] {
error "File not readable: $tclIndex"
# Parse the file.
set allOK [TclX::ParseTclIndex $tclIndex fileTbl $ignore]
# Generate the .tlib package names with contain the directory and
# file name, less any extensions.
if {[file extension $packageLib] != ".tlib"} {
append packageLib ".tlib"
set libFH [open $packageLib w]
foreach srcFile [array names fileTbl] {
set pkgName [file tail [file dirname $srcFile]]/[file tail [file root $srcFile]]
set srcFH [open $srcFile r]
puts $libFH "#@package: $pkgName $fileTbl($srcFile)\n"
copyfile $srcFH $libFH
close $srcFH
close $libFH
buildpackageindex $packageLib
if !$allOK {
error "*** Not all entries converted, but library generated"