# profrep --
# Generate Tcl profiling reports.
# Copyright 1992-1999 Karl Lehenbauer and Mark Diekhans.
# Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its
# documentation for any purpose and without fee is hereby granted, provided
# that the above copyright notice appear in all copies. Karl Lehenbauer and
# Mark Diekhans make no representations about the suitability of this
# software for any purpose. It is provided "as is" without express or
# implied warranty.
# $Id: profrep.tcl,v 1.1 2001/10/24 23:31:48 hobbs Exp $
#@package: TclX-profrep profrep
namespace eval TclXProfRep {
# Convert the profile array from entries that have only the time spent in
# the proc to the time spend in the proc and all it calls.
proc sum {inDataVar outDataVar} {
upvar 1 $inDataVar inData $outDataVar outData
foreach inStack [array names inData] {
for {set idx 0} {![lempty [set part [lrange $inStack $idx end]]]} \
{incr idx} {
if ![info exists outData($part)] {
set outData($part) {0 0 0}
lassign $outData($part) count real cpu
if {$idx == 0} {
incr count [lindex $inData($inStack) 0]
incr real [lindex $inData($inStack) 1]
incr cpu [lindex $inData($inStack) 2]
set outData($part) [list $count $real $cpu]
# Do sort comparison. May only be called by sort, as it address its
# local variables.
proc sortcmp {key1 key2} {
upvar profData profData keyIndex keyIndex
set val1 [lindex $profData($key1) $keyIndex]
set val2 [lindex $profData($key2) $keyIndex]
if {$val1 < $val2} {
return -1
if {$val1 > $val2} {
return 1
return 0
# Generate a list, sorted in descending order by the specified key, contain
# the indices into the summarized data.
proc sort {profDataVar sortKey} {
upvar $profDataVar profData
case $sortKey {
{calls} {set keyIndex 0}
{real} {set keyIndex 1}
{cpu} {set keyIndex 2}
default {
error "Expected a sort type of: `calls', `cpu' or ` real'"
return [lsort -integer -decreasing -command sortcmp \
[array names profData]]
# Print the sorted report
proc print {profDataVar sortedProcList outFile userTitle} {
upvar $profDataVar profData
set maxNameLen 0
foreach procStack [array names profData] {
foreach procName $procStack {
set maxNameLen [max $maxNameLen [clength $procName]]
if {$outFile == ""} {
set outFH stdout
} else {
set outFH [open $outFile w]
# Output a header.
set stackTitle "Procedure Call Stack"
set maxNameLen [max [expr $maxNameLen+6] [expr [clength $stackTitle]+4]]
set hdr [format "%-${maxNameLen}s %10s %10s %10s" $stackTitle \
"Calls" "Real Time" "CPU Time"]
if {$userTitle != ""} {
puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
puts $outFH $userTitle
puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
puts $outFH $hdr
puts $outFH [replicate - [clength $hdr]]
# Output the data in sorted order. Trim leading ::.
foreach procStack $sortedProcList {
set data $profData($procStack)
set cmd [lvarpop procStack]
regsub {^::} $cmd {} cmd
puts $outFH [format "%-${maxNameLen}s %10d %10d %10d" \
$cmd [lindex $data 0] [lindex $data 1] \
[lindex $data 2]]
foreach procName $procStack {
if {$procName == "<global>"} break
regsub {^::} $procName {} procName
puts $outFH " $procName"
if {$outFile != ""} {
close $outFH
} ;# TclXProfRep
# Generate a report from data collect from the profile command.
# o profDataVar (I) - The name of the array containing the data from profile.
# o sortKey (I) - Value to sort by. One of "calls", "cpu" or "real".
# o outFile (I) - Name of file to write the report to. If omitted, stdout
# is assumed.
# o userTitle (I) - Title line to add to output.
proc profrep {profDataVar sortKey {outFile {}} {userTitle {}}} {
upvar $profDataVar profData
TclXProfRep::sum profData sumProfData
set sortedProcList [TclXProfRep::sort sumProfData $sortKey]
TclXProfRep::print sumProfData $sortedProcList $outFile $userTitle