Path : /opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/aiohttp/
Upload :
Current File : //opt/alt/python35/lib64/python3.5/site-packages/aiohttp/web_fileresponse.py

import mimetypes
import os
import pathlib

from . import hdrs
from .helpers import set_exception, set_result
from .http_writer import StreamWriter
from .log import server_logger
from .web_exceptions import (HTTPNotModified, HTTPOk, HTTPPartialContent,
from .web_response import StreamResponse

__all__ = ('FileResponse',)

NOSENDFILE = bool(os.environ.get("AIOHTTP_NOSENDFILE"))

class SendfileStreamWriter(StreamWriter):

    def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
        self._sendfile_buffer = []
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

    def _write(self, chunk):
        # we overwrite StreamWriter._write, so nothing can be appended to
        # _buffer, and nothing is written to the transport directly by the
        # parent class
        self.output_size += len(chunk)

    def _sendfile_cb(self, fut, out_fd, in_fd,
                     offset, count, loop, registered):
        if registered:
        if fut.cancelled():

            n = os.sendfile(out_fd, in_fd, offset, count)
            if n == 0:  # EOF reached
                n = count
        except (BlockingIOError, InterruptedError):
            n = 0
        except Exception as exc:
            set_exception(fut, exc)

        if n < count:
            loop.add_writer(out_fd, self._sendfile_cb, fut, out_fd, in_fd,
                            offset + n, count - n, loop, True)
            set_result(fut, None)

    async def sendfile(self, fobj, count):
        out_socket = self.transport.get_extra_info('socket').dup()
        out_fd = out_socket.fileno()
        in_fd = fobj.fileno()
        offset = fobj.tell()

        loop = self.loop
        data = b''.join(self._sendfile_buffer)
            await loop.sock_sendall(out_socket, data)
            fut = loop.create_future()
            self._sendfile_cb(fut, out_fd, in_fd, offset, count, loop, False)
            await fut
        except Exception:
            server_logger.debug('Socket error')

        self.output_size += count
        await super().write_eof()

    async def write_eof(self, chunk=b''):

class FileResponse(StreamResponse):
    """A response object can be used to send files."""

    def __init__(self, path, chunk_size=256*1024, *args, **kwargs):
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)

        if isinstance(path, str):
            path = pathlib.Path(path)

        self._path = path
        self._chunk_size = chunk_size

    async def _sendfile_system(self, request, fobj, count):
        # Write count bytes of fobj to resp using
        # the os.sendfile system call.
        # For details check
        # https://github.com/KeepSafe/aiohttp/issues/1177
        # See https://github.com/KeepSafe/aiohttp/issues/958 for details
        # request should be a aiohttp.web.Request instance.
        # fobj should be an open file object.
        # count should be an integer > 0.

        transport = request.transport
        if (transport.get_extra_info("sslcontext") or
                transport.get_extra_info("socket") is None):
            writer = await self._sendfile_fallback(request, fobj, count)
            writer = SendfileStreamWriter(
            request._payload_writer = writer

            await super().prepare(request)
            await writer.sendfile(fobj, count)

        return writer

    async def _sendfile_fallback(self, request, fobj, count):
        # Mimic the _sendfile_system() method, but without using the
        # os.sendfile() system call. This should be used on systems
        # that don't support the os.sendfile().

        # To avoid blocking the event loop & to keep memory usage low,
        # fobj is transferred in chunks controlled by the
        # constructor's chunk_size argument.

        writer = (await super().prepare(request))

        chunk_size = self._chunk_size

        chunk = fobj.read(chunk_size)
        while True:
            await writer.write(chunk)
            count = count - chunk_size
            if count <= 0:
            chunk = fobj.read(min(chunk_size, count))

        await writer.drain()
        return writer

    if hasattr(os, "sendfile") and not NOSENDFILE:  # pragma: no cover
        _sendfile = _sendfile_system
    else:  # pragma: no cover
        _sendfile = _sendfile_fallback

    async def prepare(self, request):
        filepath = self._path

        gzip = False
        if 'gzip' in request.headers.get(hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING, ''):
            gzip_path = filepath.with_name(filepath.name + '.gz')

            if gzip_path.is_file():
                filepath = gzip_path
                gzip = True

        st = filepath.stat()

        modsince = request.if_modified_since
        if modsince is not None and st.st_mtime <= modsince.timestamp():
            self._length_check = False
            return await super().prepare(request)

        if hdrs.CONTENT_TYPE not in self.headers:
            ct, encoding = mimetypes.guess_type(str(filepath))
            if not ct:
                ct = 'application/octet-stream'
            should_set_ct = True
            encoding = 'gzip' if gzip else None
            should_set_ct = False

        status = HTTPOk.status_code
        file_size = st.st_size
        count = file_size

            rng = request.http_range
            start = rng.start
            end = rng.stop
        except ValueError:
            return await super().prepare(request)

        # If a range request has been made, convert start, end slice notation
        # into file pointer offset and count
        if start is not None or end is not None:
            if start is None and end < 0:  # return tail of file
                start = file_size + end
                count = -end
                count = (end or file_size) - start

            if start + count > file_size:
                # rfc7233:If the last-byte-pos value is
                # absent, or if the value is greater than or equal to
                # the current length of the representation data,
                # the byte range is interpreted as the remainder
                # of the representation (i.e., the server replaces the
                # value of last-byte-pos with a value that is one less than
                # the current length of the selected representation).
                count = file_size - start

            if start >= file_size:
                count = 0

        if count != file_size:
            status = HTTPPartialContent.status_code

        if should_set_ct:
            self.content_type = ct
        if encoding:
            self.headers[hdrs.CONTENT_ENCODING] = encoding
        if gzip:
            self.headers[hdrs.VARY] = hdrs.ACCEPT_ENCODING
        self.last_modified = st.st_mtime
        self.content_length = count

        if count:
            with filepath.open('rb') as fobj:
                if start:

                return await self._sendfile(request, fobj, count)

        return await super().prepare(request)