some notes regarding this test suite:
- results are only comparable using the semantically equal schema against and
identical set of documents in the same execution environment
- the module can be executed to generate a new set of test documents
- it is intended to detect *significant* changes in validation time
- benchmarks should run with as few other processes running on the system as
possible (e.g. an Alpine Linux on bare metal w/o a Desktop environment)
import json
from collections import Counter
from pathlib import Path
from random import choice, randrange
from typing import Callable, List
from pytest import mark
from cerberus import rules_set_registry, schema_registry, TypeDefinition, Validator
from cerberus.benchmarks import DOCUMENTS_PATH
rules_set_registry.add("path_rules", {"coerce": Path, "type": "path"})
# an outer rule requires all fields' values to be a list
"field_31": {"contains": 0, "empty": False},
"field_32": {
"default": [None, None, None],
"items": [
{"type": "integer"},
{"type": "string"},
{"type": ["integer", "string"]},
"schema": {"nullable": True},
def schema_1_field_3_allow_unknown_check_with(field, value, error):
if len(value) > 9:
error(field, "Requires a smaller list.")
schema_1 = {
"field_1": {
"type": "dict",
"required": True,
"allow_unknown": True,
"keysrules": {"regex": r"field_1[12345]"},
"minlength": 3,
"maxlength": 5,
"schema": {
"field_11": {
"type": "integer",
"allowed": list(range(100)),
"dependencies": {"field_12": 0, "^field_1.field_13": 0},
"field_12": {
"type": "integer",
"default_setter": lambda _: 1,
"forbidden": (1,),
"field_13": {"type": "integer"},
"field_14": {"rename": "field_13"},
"field_2": {
"type": "dict",
"allow_unknown": False,
"schema": {
"field_21": {
"type": "integer",
"coerce": [str.strip, int],
"min": 9,
"max": 89,
"anyof": [{"dependencies": "field_22"}, {"dependencies": "field_23"}],
"field_22": {"excludes": "field_23", "nullable": True},
"field_23": {"nullable": True},
"field_3": {
"allow_unknown": {"check_with": schema_1_field_3_allow_unknown_check_with},
"valuesrules": {"type": "list"},
"require_all": True,
"schema": "field_3_schema",
"field_4": "path_rules",
def init_validator():
class TestValidator(Validator):
types_mapping = {
"path": TypeDefinition("path", (Path,), ()),
return TestValidator(schema_1, purge_unknown=True)
def load_documents():
with (DOCUMENTS_PATH / "overall_documents_1.json").open() as f:
documents = json.load(f)
return documents
def validate_documents(init_validator: Callable, documents: List[dict]):
doc_count = failed_count = 0
error_paths = Counter()
validator = init_validator()
def count_errors(errors):
if errors is None:
for error in errors:
if error.is_group_error:
error_paths[error.schema_path] += 1
for document in documents:
if validator.validated(document) is None:
failed_count += 1
doc_count += 1
f"{failed_count} out of {doc_count} documents failed with "
f"{len(error_paths)} different error leafs."
print("Top 3 errors, excluding container errors:")
for path, count in error_paths.most_common(3):
print(f"{count}: {path}")
def test_overall_performance_1(benchmark):
benchmark.pedantic(validate_documents, (init_validator, load_documents()), rounds=5)
def generate_sample_document_1() -> dict:
result = {}
for i in (1, 2, 3, 4, 5):
if randrange(100):
result[f"field_{i}"] = globals()[f"generate_document_1_field_{i}"]()
return result
def generate_document_1_field_1() -> dict:
result = {"field_11": randrange(100), "field_13": 0}
if randrange(100):
result["field_12"] = 0
if not randrange(100):
result["field_14"] = None
if randrange(100):
result["field_15"] = None
return result
def generate_document_1_field_2() -> dict:
x = "*" if not randrange(50) else " "
result = {"field_21": x + str(randrange(100)) + x}
if randrange(100):
result["field_22"] = None
if "field_22" in result and not randrange(100):
result["field_23"] = None
return result
def generate_document_1_field_3() -> dict:
result = {}
if randrange(100):
result["field_31"] = [randrange(2) for _ in range(randrange(20))]
result["field_31"] = None
if randrange(100):
result["field_32"] = [
choice((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "", None)),
choice(("", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", 0, None)),
choice((0, 0, 0, 0, "", "", "", "", None)),
if not randrange(10):
result["3_unknown"] = [0] * (randrange(10) + 1)
return result
def generate_document_1_field_4():
return "/foo/bar" if randrange(100) else 0
def generate_document_1_field_5():
return None
def write_sample_documents():
with (DOCUMENTS_PATH / "overall_documents_1.json").open("wt") as f:
json.dump([generate_sample_document_1() for _ in range(10_000)], f)
if __name__ == "__main__":