# $Id: DBI.pm 79 2019-01-30 02:35:31Z stro $
package CPAN::SQLite::DBI;
use strict;
use warnings;
our $VERSION = '0.217';
use English qw/-no_match_vars/;
require File::Spec;
use DBI;
use parent 'Exporter';
our ($dbh, $tables, @EXPORT_OK);
@EXPORT_OK = qw($dbh $tables);
$tables = {
'info' => {
'primary' => {
'other' => {},
'key' => [],
'name' => 'status',
'id' => 'status',
mods => {
primary => { mod_id => q{INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY} },
other => {
mod_name => q{VARCHAR(100) NOT NULL},
dist_id => q{INTEGER NOT NULL},
mod_abs => q{TEXT},
mod_vers => q{VARCHAR(10)},
key => [qw/dist_id mod_name/],
name => 'mod_name',
id => 'mod_id',
has_a => { dists => 'dist_id' },
dists => {
primary => { dist_id => q{INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY} },
other => {
dist_name => q{VARCHAR(90) NOT NULL},
auth_id => q{INTEGER NOT NULL},
dist_file => q{VARCHAR(110) NOT NULL},
dist_vers => q{VARCHAR(20)},
dist_abs => q{TEXT},
key => [qw/auth_id dist_name/],
name => 'dist_name',
id => 'dist_id',
has_a => { auths => 'auth_id' },
has_many => { mods => 'dist_id', },
auths => {
primary => { auth_id => q{INTEGER NOT NULL PRIMARY KEY} },
other => {
cpanid => q{VARCHAR(20) NOT NULL},
fullname => q{VARCHAR(40) NOT NULL},
email => q{TEXT},
key => [qw/cpanid/],
has_many => { dists => 'dist_id' },
name => 'cpanid',
id => 'auth_id',
sub new {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $db_dir = $args{db_dir} || $args{CPAN};
my $db = File::Spec->catfile($db_dir, $args{db_name});
$dbh ||= DBI->connect(
'', '',
RaiseError => 1,
AutoCommit => 0,
sqlite_use_immediate_transaction => 0,
die "Cannot connect to $db" unless $dbh;
$dbh->{AutoCommit} = 0;
my $objs;
foreach my $table (keys %$tables) {
my $cl = $class . '::' . $table;
$objs->{$table} = $cl->make(table => $table);
for my $table (keys %$tables) {
foreach my $type (qw(primary other)) {
foreach my $column (keys %{ $tables->{$table}->{$type} }) {
push @{ $tables->{$table}->{columns} }, $column;
return bless { objs => $objs }, $class;
sub make {
my ($class, %args) = @_;
my $table = $args{table};
die qq{No table exists corresponding to '$class'} unless $table;
my $info = $tables->{$table};
die qq{No information available for table '$table'} unless $info;
my $self = {
table => $table,
columns => $info->{columns},
id => $info->{id},
name => $info->{name},
foreach (qw(name has_a has_many)) {
next unless defined $info->{$_};
$self->{$_} = $info->{$_};
return bless $self, $class;
sub db_error {
my ($obj, $sth) = @_;
return unless $dbh;
if ($sth) {
undef $sth;
return $obj->{error_msg} = q{Database error: } . $dbh->errstr;
=head1 NAME
CPAN::SQLite::DBI - DBI information for the CPAN::SQLite database
=head1 VERSION
version 0.217
This module is used by L<CPAN::SQLite::Index> and
L<CPAN::SQLite::Search> to set up some basic database
information. It exports two variables:
=over 3
=item C<$tables>
This is a hash reference whose keys are the table names, with
corresponding values being hash references whose keys are the
columns of the table and values being the associated data types.
=item C<$dbh>
This is a L<DBI> database handle used to connect to the
The main method of this module is C<make>, which is used
to make the tables of the database.
=head1 SEE ALSO
L<CPAN::SQLite::Index> and L<CPAN::SQLite::Search>