package DBIx::MyParsePP::Query;
use strict;
use DBIx::MyParsePP::Lexer;
use DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule;
use constant MYPARSE_QUERY_LEXER => 0;
use constant MYPARSE_QUERY_ROOT => 1;
use constant MYPARSE_QUERY_EXPECTED => 2;
use constant MYPARSE_QUERY_ACTUAL => 3;
my %args = (
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $query = bless([], $class);
my $max_arg = (scalar(@_) / 2) - 1;
foreach my $i (0..$max_arg) {
if (exists $args{$_[$i * 2]}) {
$query->[$args{$_[$i * 2]}] = $_[$i * 2 + 1];
} else {
warn("Unkown argument '$_[$i * 2]' to DBIx::MyParsePP::Query->new()");
return $query;
sub getLexer {
return $_[0]->[MYPARSE_QUERY_LEXER];
sub setRoot {
$_[0]->[MYPARSE_QUERY_ROOT] = $_[1];
sub getRoot {
return $_[0]->[MYPARSE_QUERY_ROOT];
sub root {
return $_[0]->[MYPARSE_QUERY_ROOT];
sub setExpected {
my $query = shift;
sub getExpected {
sub expected {
sub setActual {
$_[0]->[MYPARSE_QUERY_ACTUAL] = $_[1];
sub getActual {
return $_[0]->[MYPARSE_QUERY_ACTUAL];
sub actual {
return $_[0]->[MYPARSE_QUERY_ACTUAL];
sub line {
sub getLine {
my $query = shift;
my $lexer = $query->getLexer();
return $lexer->getLine();
sub pos {
sub getPos {
my $query = shift;
my $lexer = $query->getLexer();
return $lexer->getPos();
sub tokens {
sub getTokens {
my $query = shift;
my $lexer = $query->getLexer();
return $lexer->getTokens();
sub toString() {
my $query = shift;
my $root = $query->root();
return defined $root ? $root->toString() : undef;
sub print {
return $_[0]->toString();
sub extract {
my $query = shift;
my $root = $query->root();
return defined $root ? $root->extract(@_) : undef;
sub shrink {
my $query = shift;
my $root = $query->root();
return defined $root ? $root->shrink() : undef;
sub getWhere {
return $_[0]->extract('where_clause');
sub getGroupBy {
return $_[0]->extract('group_clause');
sub getOrderBy {
return $_[0]->extract('order_clause');
sub getLimit {
return $_[0]->extract('limit_clause');
sub getFrom {
return $_[0]->extract('table_factor','join_table','derived_table_list','select_from');
sub getSelectItems {
return $_[0]->extract('select_item_list','select_part2','select_init');
sub getFields {
my $root = $_[0]->root();
return defined $root ? $root->getFields() : undef;
sub getTables {
my $root = $_[0]->root();
return defined $root ? $root->getTables() : undef;
=head1 NAME
DBIx::MyParsePP::Query - Query produced by DBIx::MyParsePP
use DBIx::MyParsePP;
my $parser = DBIx::MyParsePP->new();
my $query = $parser->parse("SELECT 1");
if (not defined $query->root()) {
print "Error at pos ".$query->pos()", line ".$pos->line()."\n";
} else {
print "Query was ".$query->toString();
=head1 METHODS
C<getLexer()> returns the L<DBIx::MyParsePP::Lexer> object for the string
C<getRoot()> returns a L<DBIx::MYParsePP::Rule> object representing the root of the parse tree
C<toString()> walks the parse tree reconstructs the query using the individual tokens.
C<tokens()> and C<getTokens()> returns a reference to an array containing all tokens parsed as L<DBIx::MyParsePP::Token>
objects. If the parsing failed, the list contains all tokens up to the failure point.
On error, C<getRoot()> will return C<undef>. You can call the following methods to determine the error:
C<getExpected()> returns a list of tokens the parser expected to find, whereas C<getActual()> returns the
actual token name that was encountered which caused the error. Please note that C<getActual()> returns a
L<DBIx::MyParsePP::Token> object, whereas C<getExpected()> returns a list of strings, containing
just the token types.
C<getLine()> returns the line number where the error occured. C<getPos()> returns the character position where the
error occured, counting from the beginning of the string, not the begining of the line.
C<getTokens()> can be used to reconstruct the query as it was up to the failure point.
C<getSelectItems()>, C<getFrom()>, C<getWhere()>, C<getGroupBy()>, C<getOrderBy()>, C<getHaving()> return the
respective parts of the parse tree as a L<DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule> object. Depending on the query, the part of the
tree that is being returned may look differently, e.g. C<getFrom()> will return widely different things depending
on how many tables are in the C<FROM> clause, whether there are joins or subqueries. You can then use C<shrink()> and
C<extract()> on the return value to further narrow down on the part of the query you are interested in.