# epydoc configuration file for PyCrypto.
# See http://epydoc.sourceforge.net/configfile.html for sample configuration.
modules: Crypto
docformat: restructuredtext
output: html
target: Doc/apidoc/
sourcecode: no
# Do not include private variables
private: no
# Include the complete set of inherited methods, but grouped in a special
# section
inheritance: grouped
name: PyCrypto API Documentation
url: http://www.pycrypto.org/
link: <a href="http://www.pycrypto.org/">PyCrypto.org</a>
# The documentation is usually built on a Linux machine; nt.py tries to
# import the winrandom module.
exclude-introspect: ^Crypto\.Random\.OSRNG\.nt|Crypto\.Util\.winrandom$
exclude-introspect: ^Crypto\.Util\.osentropy\.nt$
exclude: ^Crypto\.SelfTest