package Archive::Zip::Member;
# A generic membet of an archive
use strict;
use vars qw( $VERSION @ISA );
$VERSION = '1.30';
@ISA = qw( Archive::Zip );
use Archive::Zip qw(
use Time::Local ();
use Compress::Raw::Zlib qw( Z_OK Z_STREAM_END MAX_WBITS );
use File::Path;
use File::Basename;
use constant ZIPFILEMEMBERCLASS => 'Archive::Zip::ZipFileMember';
use constant NEWFILEMEMBERCLASS => 'Archive::Zip::NewFileMember';
use constant STRINGMEMBERCLASS => 'Archive::Zip::StringMember';
use constant DIRECTORYMEMBERCLASS => 'Archive::Zip::DirectoryMember';
# Unix perms for default creation of files/dirs.
use constant DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS => 0100666;
use constant DIRECTORY_ATTRIB => 040000;
use constant FILE_ATTRIB => 0100000;
# Returns self if successful, else undef
# Assumes that fh is positioned at beginning of central directory file header.
# Leaves fh positioned immediately after file header or EOCD signature.
sub _newFromZipFile {
my $class = shift;
my $self = $class->ZIPFILEMEMBERCLASS->_newFromZipFile(@_);
return $self;
sub newFromString {
my $class = shift;
my ( $stringOrStringRef, $fileName );
if ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
$stringOrStringRef = $_[0]->{string};
$fileName = $_[0]->{zipName};
else {
( $stringOrStringRef, $fileName ) = @_;
my $self = $class->STRINGMEMBERCLASS->_newFromString( $stringOrStringRef,
$fileName );
return $self;
sub newFromFile {
my $class = shift;
my ( $fileName, $zipName );
if ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
$fileName = $_[0]->{fileName};
$zipName = $_[0]->{zipName};
else {
( $fileName, $zipName ) = @_;
my $self = $class->NEWFILEMEMBERCLASS->_newFromFileNamed( $fileName,
$zipName );
return $self;
sub newDirectoryNamed {
my $class = shift;
my ( $directoryName, $newName );
if ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) {
$directoryName = $_[0]->{directoryName};
$newName = $_[0]->{zipName};
else {
( $directoryName, $newName ) = @_;
my $self = $class->DIRECTORYMEMBERCLASS->_newNamed( $directoryName,
$newName );
return $self;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $self = {
'lastModFileDateTime' => 0,
'fileAttributeFormat' => FA_UNIX,
'versionMadeBy' => 20,
'versionNeededToExtract' => 20,
'bitFlag' => 0,
'compressionMethod' => COMPRESSION_STORED,
'desiredCompressionMethod' => COMPRESSION_STORED,
'desiredCompressionLevel' => COMPRESSION_LEVEL_NONE,
'internalFileAttributes' => 0,
'externalFileAttributes' => 0, # set later
'fileName' => '',
'cdExtraField' => '',
'localExtraField' => '',
'fileComment' => '',
'crc32' => 0,
'compressedSize' => 0,
'uncompressedSize' => 0,
'isSymbolicLink' => 0,
bless( $self, $class );
$self->unixFileAttributes( $self->DEFAULT_FILE_PERMISSIONS );
return $self;
sub _becomeDirectoryIfNecessary {
my $self = shift;
if $self->isDirectory();
return $self;
# Morph into given class (do whatever cleanup I need to do)
sub _become {
return bless( $_[0], $_[1] );
sub versionMadeBy {
sub fileAttributeFormat {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{fileAttributeFormat} = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
? $_[0]->{format} : $_[0];
else {
return $self->{fileAttributeFormat};
sub versionNeededToExtract {
sub bitFlag {
my $self = shift;
# Set General Purpose Bit Flags according to the desiredCompressionLevel setting
if ( $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 1 || $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 2 ) {
} elsif ( $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 3 || $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 4
|| $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 5 || $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 6
|| $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 7 ) {
} elsif ( $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 8 || $self->desiredCompressionLevel == 9 ) {
sub compressionMethod {
sub desiredCompressionMethod {
my $self = shift;
my $newDesiredCompressionMethod =
( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) ? shift->{compressionMethod} : shift;
my $oldDesiredCompressionMethod = $self->{'desiredCompressionMethod'};
if ( defined($newDesiredCompressionMethod) ) {
$self->{'desiredCompressionMethod'} = $newDesiredCompressionMethod;
if ( $newDesiredCompressionMethod == COMPRESSION_STORED ) {
$self->{'desiredCompressionLevel'} = 0;
$self->{'bitFlag'} &= ~GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK;
} elsif ( $oldDesiredCompressionMethod == COMPRESSION_STORED ) {
$self->{'desiredCompressionLevel'} = COMPRESSION_LEVEL_DEFAULT;
return $oldDesiredCompressionMethod;
sub desiredCompressionLevel {
my $self = shift;
my $newDesiredCompressionLevel =
( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) ? shift->{compressionLevel} : shift;
my $oldDesiredCompressionLevel = $self->{'desiredCompressionLevel'};
if ( defined($newDesiredCompressionLevel) ) {
$self->{'desiredCompressionLevel'} = $newDesiredCompressionLevel;
$self->{'desiredCompressionMethod'} = (
return $oldDesiredCompressionLevel;
sub fileName {
my $self = shift;
my $newName = shift;
if ($newName) {
$newName =~ s{[\\/]+}{/}g; # deal with dos/windoze problems
$self->{'fileName'} = $newName;
return $self->{'fileName'};
sub lastModFileDateTime {
my $modTime = shift->{'lastModFileDateTime'};
$modTime =~ m/^(\d+)$/; # untaint
return $1;
sub lastModTime {
my $self = shift;
return _dosToUnixTime( $self->lastModFileDateTime() );
sub setLastModFileDateTimeFromUnix {
my $self = shift;
my $time_t = shift;
$self->{'lastModFileDateTime'} = _unixToDosTime($time_t);
sub internalFileAttributes {
sub externalFileAttributes {
# Convert UNIX permissions into proper value for zip file
# Usable as a function or a method
sub _mapPermissionsFromUnix {
my $self = shift;
my $mode = shift;
my $attribs = $mode << 16;
# Microsoft Windows Explorer needs this bit set for directories
if ( $mode & DIRECTORY_ATTRIB ) {
$attribs |= 16;
return $attribs;
# TODO: map more MS-DOS perms
# Convert ZIP permissions into Unix ones
# This was taken from Info-ZIP group's portable UnZip
# zipfile-extraction program, version 5.50.
# See the mapattr() function in unix/unix.c
# See the attribute format constants in unzpriv.h
# XXX Note that there's one situation that isn't implemented
# yet that depends on the "extra field."
sub _mapPermissionsToUnix {
my $self = shift;
my $format = $self->{'fileAttributeFormat'};
my $attribs = $self->{'externalFileAttributes'};
my $mode = 0;
if ( $format == FA_AMIGA ) {
$attribs = $attribs >> 17 & 7; # Amiga RWE bits
$mode = $attribs << 6 | $attribs << 3 | $attribs;
return $mode;
if ( $format == FA_THEOS ) {
$attribs &= 0xF1FFFFFF;
if ( ( $attribs & 0xF0000000 ) != 0x40000000 ) {
$attribs &= 0x01FFFFFF; # not a dir, mask all ftype bits
else {
$attribs &= 0x41FFFFFF; # leave directory bit as set
if ( $format == FA_UNIX
|| $format == FA_VAX_VMS
|| $format == FA_ACORN
|| $format == FA_ATARI_ST
|| $format == FA_BEOS
|| $format == FA_QDOS
|| $format == FA_TANDEM )
$mode = $attribs >> 16;
return $mode if $mode != 0 or not $self->localExtraField;
# warn("local extra field is: ", $self->localExtraField, "\n");
# XXX This condition is not implemented
# I'm just including the comments from the info-zip section for now.
# Some (non-Info-ZIP) implementations of Zip for Unix and
# VMS (and probably others ??) leave 0 in the upper 16-bit
# part of the external_file_attributes field. Instead, they
# store file permission attributes in some extra field.
# As a work-around, we search for the presence of one of
# these extra fields and fall back to the MSDOS compatible
# part of external_file_attributes if one of the known
# e.f. types has been detected.
# Later, we might implement extraction of the permission
# bits from the VMS extra field. But for now, the work-around
# should be sufficient to provide "readable" extracted files.
# (For ASI Unix e.f., an experimental remap from the e.f.
# mode value IS already provided!)
# PKWARE's PKZip for Unix marks entries as FA_MSDOS, but stores the
# Unix attributes in the upper 16 bits of the external attributes
# field, just like Info-ZIP's Zip for Unix. We try to use that
# value, after a check for consistency with the MSDOS attribute
# bits (see below).
if ( $format == FA_MSDOS ) {
$mode = $attribs >> 16;
$attribs = !( $attribs & 1 ) << 1 | ( $attribs & 0x10 ) >> 4;
# keep previous $mode setting when its "owner"
# part appears to be consistent with DOS attribute flags!
return $mode if ( $mode & 0700 ) == ( 0400 | $attribs << 6 );
$mode = 0444 | $attribs << 6 | $attribs << 3 | $attribs;
return $mode;
sub unixFileAttributes {
my $self = shift;
my $oldPerms = $self->_mapPermissionsToUnix;
my $perms;
if ( @_ ) {
$perms = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) ? $_[0]->{attributes} : $_[0];
if ( $self->isDirectory ) {
$perms &= ~FILE_ATTRIB;
} else {
$perms |= FILE_ATTRIB;
$self->{externalFileAttributes} = $self->_mapPermissionsFromUnix($perms);
return $oldPerms;
sub localExtraField {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{localExtraField} = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
? $_[0]->{field} : $_[0];
else {
return $self->{localExtraField};
sub cdExtraField {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{cdExtraField} = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
? $_[0]->{field} : $_[0];
else {
return $self->{cdExtraField};
sub extraFields {
my $self = shift;
return $self->localExtraField() . $self->cdExtraField();
sub fileComment {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
$self->{fileComment} = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' )
? pack( 'C0a*', $_[0]->{comment} ) : pack( 'C0a*', $_[0] );
else {
return $self->{fileComment};
sub hasDataDescriptor {
my $self = shift;
if (@_) {
my $shouldHave = shift;
if ($shouldHave) {
$self->{'bitFlag'} |= GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK;
else {
$self->{'bitFlag'} &= ~GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK;
return $self->{'bitFlag'} & GPBF_HAS_DATA_DESCRIPTOR_MASK;
sub crc32 {
sub crc32String {
sprintf( "%08x", shift->{'crc32'} );
sub compressedSize {
sub uncompressedSize {
sub isEncrypted {
shift->bitFlag() & GPBF_ENCRYPTED_MASK;
sub isTextFile {
my $self = shift;
my $bit = $self->internalFileAttributes() & IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK;
if (@_) {
my $flag = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) ? shift->{flag} : shift;
$self->{'internalFileAttributes'} &= ~IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK;
$self->{'internalFileAttributes'} |=
return $bit == IFA_TEXT_FILE;
sub isBinaryFile {
my $self = shift;
my $bit = $self->internalFileAttributes() & IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK;
if (@_) {
my $flag = shift;
$self->{'internalFileAttributes'} &= ~IFA_TEXT_FILE_MASK;
$self->{'internalFileAttributes'} |=
return $bit == IFA_BINARY_FILE;
sub extractToFileNamed {
my $self = shift;
# local FS name
my $name = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) ? $_[0]->{name} : $_[0];
$self->{'isSymbolicLink'} = 0;
# Check if the file / directory is a symbolic link or not
if ( $self->{'externalFileAttributes'} == 0xA1FF0000 ) {
$self->{'isSymbolicLink'} = 1;
$self->{'newName'} = $name;
my ( $status, $fh ) = _newFileHandle( $name, 'r' );
my $retval = $self->extractToFileHandle($fh);
} else {
#return _writeSymbolicLink($self, $name) if $self->isSymbolicLink();
return _error("encryption unsupported") if $self->isEncrypted();
mkpath( dirname($name) ); # croaks on error
my ( $status, $fh ) = _newFileHandle( $name, 'w' );
return _ioError("Can't open file $name for write") unless $status;
my $retval = $self->extractToFileHandle($fh);
chmod ($self->unixFileAttributes(), $name)
or return _error("Can't chmod() ${name}: $!");
utime( $self->lastModTime(), $self->lastModTime(), $name );
return $retval;
sub _writeSymbolicLink {
my $self = shift;
my $name = shift;
my $chunkSize = $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize;
#my ( $outRef, undef ) = $self->readChunk($chunkSize);
my $fh;
my $retval = $self->extractToFileHandle($fh);
my ( $outRef, undef ) = $self->readChunk(100);
sub isSymbolicLink {
my $self = shift;
if ( $self->{'externalFileAttributes'} == 0xA1FF0000 ) {
$self->{'isSymbolicLink'} = 1;
} else {
return 0;
sub isDirectory {
return 0;
sub externalFileName {
return undef;
# The following are used when copying data
sub _writeOffset {
sub _readOffset {
sub writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset {
sub wasWritten { shift->{'wasWritten'} }
sub _dataEnded {
sub _readDataRemaining {
sub _inflater {
sub _deflater {
# Return the total size of my local header
sub _localHeaderSize {
my $self = shift;
length( $self->fileName() ) + length( $self->localExtraField() );
# Return the total size of my CD header
sub _centralDirectoryHeaderSize {
my $self = shift;
length( $self->fileName() ) + length( $self->cdExtraField() ) +
length( $self->fileComment() );
# DOS date/time format
# 0-4 (5) Second divided by 2
# 5-10 (6) Minute (0-59)
# 11-15 (5) Hour (0-23 on a 24-hour clock)
# 16-20 (5) Day of the month (1-31)
# 21-24 (4) Month (1 = January, 2 = February, etc.)
# 25-31 (7) Year offset from 1980 (add 1980 to get actual year)
# Convert DOS date/time format to unix time_t format
sub _dosToUnixTime {
my $dt = shift;
return time() unless defined($dt);
my $year = ( ( $dt >> 25 ) & 0x7f ) + 80;
my $mon = ( ( $dt >> 21 ) & 0x0f ) - 1;
my $mday = ( ( $dt >> 16 ) & 0x1f );
my $hour = ( ( $dt >> 11 ) & 0x1f );
my $min = ( ( $dt >> 5 ) & 0x3f );
my $sec = ( ( $dt << 1 ) & 0x3e );
# catch errors
my $time_t =
eval { Time::Local::timelocal( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ); };
return time() if ($@);
return $time_t;
# Note, this isn't exactly UTC 1980, it's 1980 + 12 hours and 1
# minute so that nothing timezoney can muck us up.
my $safe_epoch = 315576060;
# convert a unix time to DOS date/time
sub _unixToDosTime {
my $time_t = shift;
unless ($time_t) {
_error("Tried to add member with zero or undef value for time");
$time_t = $safe_epoch;
if ( $time_t < $safe_epoch ) {
_ioError("Unsupported date before 1980 encountered, moving to 1980");
$time_t = $safe_epoch;
my ( $sec, $min, $hour, $mday, $mon, $year ) = localtime($time_t);
my $dt = 0;
$dt += ( $sec >> 1 );
$dt += ( $min << 5 );
$dt += ( $hour << 11 );
$dt += ( $mday << 16 );
$dt += ( ( $mon + 1 ) << 21 );
$dt += ( ( $year - 80 ) << 25 );
return $dt;
# Write my local header to a file handle.
# Stores the offset to the start of the header in my
# writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset member.
# Returns AZ_OK on success.
sub _writeLocalFileHeader {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
$self->_print($fh, $signatureData)
or return _ioError("writing local header signature");
my $header = pack(
$self->compressedSize(), # may need to be re-written later
length( $self->fileName() ),
length( $self->localExtraField() )
$self->_print($fh, $header) or return _ioError("writing local header");
# Check for a valid filename or a filename equal to a literal `0'
if ( $self->fileName() || $self->fileName eq '0' ) {
$self->_print($fh, $self->fileName() )
or return _ioError("writing local header filename");
if ( $self->localExtraField() ) {
$self->_print($fh, $self->localExtraField() )
or return _ioError("writing local extra field");
return AZ_OK;
sub _writeCentralDirectoryFileHeader {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $sigData =
$self->_print($fh, $sigData)
or return _ioError("writing central directory header signature");
my $fileNameLength = length( $self->fileName() );
my $extraFieldLength = length( $self->cdExtraField() );
my $fileCommentLength = length( $self->fileComment() );
my $header = pack(
$self->crc32(), # these three fields should have been updated
$self->_writeOffset(), # by writing the data stream out
$self->uncompressedSize(), #
0, # {'diskNumberStart'},
$self->_print($fh, $header)
or return _ioError("writing central directory header");
if ($fileNameLength) {
$self->_print($fh, $self->fileName() )
or return _ioError("writing central directory header signature");
if ($extraFieldLength) {
$self->_print($fh, $self->cdExtraField() )
or return _ioError("writing central directory extra field");
if ($fileCommentLength) {
$self->_print($fh, $self->fileComment() )
or return _ioError("writing central directory file comment");
return AZ_OK;
# This writes a data descriptor to the given file handle.
# Assumes that crc32, writeOffset, and uncompressedSize are
# set correctly (they should be after a write).
# Further, the local file header should have the
sub _writeDataDescriptor {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $header = pack(
$self->_writeOffset(), # compressed size
$self->_print($fh, $header)
or return _ioError("writing data descriptor");
return AZ_OK;
# Re-writes the local file header with new crc32 and compressedSize fields.
# To be called after writing the data stream.
# Assumes that filename and extraField sizes didn't change since last written.
sub _refreshLocalFileHeader {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $here = $fh->tell();
$fh->seek( $self->writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset() + SIGNATURE_LENGTH,
IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET )
or return _ioError("seeking to rewrite local header");
my $header = pack(
$self->_writeOffset(), # compressed size
length( $self->fileName() ),
length( $self->localExtraField() )
$self->_print($fh, $header)
or return _ioError("re-writing local header");
$fh->seek( $here, IO::Seekable::SEEK_SET )
or return _ioError("seeking after rewrite of local header");
return AZ_OK;
sub readChunk {
my $self = shift;
my $chunkSize = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) ? $_[0]->{chunkSize} : $_[0];
if ( $self->readIsDone() ) {
my $dummy = '';
return ( \$dummy, AZ_STREAM_END );
$chunkSize = $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize if not defined($chunkSize);
$chunkSize = $self->_readDataRemaining()
if $chunkSize > $self->_readDataRemaining();
my $buffer = '';
my $outputRef;
my ( $bytesRead, $status ) = $self->_readRawChunk( \$buffer, $chunkSize );
return ( \$buffer, $status ) unless $status == AZ_OK;
$self->{'readDataRemaining'} -= $bytesRead;
$self->{'readOffset'} += $bytesRead;
if ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED ) {
$self->{'crc32'} = $self->computeCRC32( $buffer, $self->{'crc32'} );
( $outputRef, $status ) = &{ $self->{'chunkHandler'} }( $self, \$buffer );
$self->{'writeOffset'} += length($$outputRef);
if $self->readIsDone();
return ( $outputRef, $status );
# Read the next raw chunk of my data. Subclasses MUST implement.
# my ( $bytesRead, $status) = $self->_readRawChunk( \$buffer, $chunkSize );
sub _readRawChunk {
my $self = shift;
return $self->_subclassResponsibility();
# A place holder to catch rewindData errors if someone ignores
# the error code.
sub _noChunk {
my $self = shift;
return ( \undef, _error("trying to copy chunk when init failed") );
# Basically a no-op so that I can have a consistent interface.
# ( $outputRef, $status) = $self->_copyChunk( \$buffer );
sub _copyChunk {
my ( $self, $dataRef ) = @_;
return ( $dataRef, AZ_OK );
# ( $outputRef, $status) = $self->_deflateChunk( \$buffer );
sub _deflateChunk {
my ( $self, $buffer ) = @_;
my ( $status ) = $self->_deflater()->deflate( $buffer, my $out );
if ( $self->_readDataRemaining() == 0 ) {
my $extraOutput;
( $status ) = $self->_deflater()->flush($extraOutput);
$out .= $extraOutput;
return ( \$out, AZ_STREAM_END );
elsif ( $status == Z_OK ) {
return ( \$out, AZ_OK );
else {
my $retval = _error( 'deflate error', $status );
my $dummy = '';
return ( \$dummy, $retval );
# ( $outputRef, $status) = $self->_inflateChunk( \$buffer );
sub _inflateChunk {
my ( $self, $buffer ) = @_;
my ( $status ) = $self->_inflater()->inflate( $buffer, my $out );
my $retval;
$self->endRead() unless $status == Z_OK;
if ( $status == Z_OK || $status == Z_STREAM_END ) {
$retval = ( $status == Z_STREAM_END ) ? AZ_STREAM_END: AZ_OK;
return ( \$out, $retval );
else {
$retval = _error( 'inflate error', $status );
my $dummy = '';
return ( \$dummy, $retval );
sub rewindData {
my $self = shift;
my $status;
# set to trap init errors
$self->{'chunkHandler'} = $self->can('_noChunk');
# Work around WinZip bug with 0-length DEFLATED files
if $self->uncompressedSize() == 0;
# assume that we're going to read the whole file, and compute the CRC anew.
$self->{'crc32'} = 0
if ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED );
# These are the only combinations of methods we deal with right now.
if ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED
and $self->desiredCompressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_DEFLATED )
( $self->{'deflater'}, $status ) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::Deflate->new(
'-Level' => $self->desiredCompressionLevel(),
'-WindowBits' => -MAX_WBITS(), # necessary magic
'-Bufsize' => $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize,
); # pass additional options
return _error( 'deflateInit error:', $status )
unless $status == Z_OK;
$self->{'chunkHandler'} = $self->can('_deflateChunk');
elsif ( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_DEFLATED
and $self->desiredCompressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED )
( $self->{'inflater'}, $status ) = Compress::Raw::Zlib::Inflate->new(
'-WindowBits' => -MAX_WBITS(), # necessary magic
'-Bufsize' => $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize,
); # pass additional options
return _error( 'inflateInit error:', $status )
unless $status == Z_OK;
$self->{'chunkHandler'} = $self->can('_inflateChunk');
elsif ( $self->compressionMethod() == $self->desiredCompressionMethod() ) {
$self->{'chunkHandler'} = $self->can('_copyChunk');
else {
return _error(
"Unsupported compression combination: read %d, write %d",
$self->{'readDataRemaining'} =
( $self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED )
? $self->uncompressedSize()
: $self->compressedSize();
$self->{'dataEnded'} = 0;
$self->{'readOffset'} = 0;
return AZ_OK;
sub endRead {
my $self = shift;
delete $self->{'inflater'};
delete $self->{'deflater'};
$self->{'dataEnded'} = 1;
$self->{'readDataRemaining'} = 0;
return AZ_OK;
sub readIsDone {
my $self = shift;
return ( $self->_dataEnded() or !$self->_readDataRemaining() );
sub contents {
my $self = shift;
my $newContents = shift;
if ( defined($newContents) ) {
# change our type and call the subclass contents method.
return $self->contents( pack( 'C0a*', $newContents ) )
; # in case of Unicode
else {
my $oldCompression =
my $status = $self->rewindData(@_);
if ( $status != AZ_OK ) {
return $status;
my $retval = '';
while ( $status == AZ_OK ) {
my $ref;
( $ref, $status ) = $self->readChunk( $self->_readDataRemaining() );
# did we get it in one chunk?
if ( length($$ref) == $self->uncompressedSize() ) {
$retval = $$ref;
else { $retval .= $$ref }
$status = AZ_OK if $status == AZ_STREAM_END;
$retval = undef unless $status == AZ_OK;
return wantarray ? ( $retval, $status ) : $retval;
sub extractToFileHandle {
my $self = shift;
return _error("encryption unsupported") if $self->isEncrypted();
my $fh = ( ref( $_[0] ) eq 'HASH' ) ? shift->{fileHandle} : shift;
my $oldCompression = $self->desiredCompressionMethod(COMPRESSION_STORED);
my $status = $self->rewindData(@_);
$status = $self->_writeData($fh) if $status == AZ_OK;
return $status;
# write local header and data stream to file handle
sub _writeToFileHandle {
my $self = shift;
my $fh = shift;
my $fhIsSeekable = shift;
my $offset = shift;
return _error("no member name given for $self")
if $self->fileName() eq '';
$self->{'writeLocalHeaderRelativeOffset'} = $offset;
$self->{'wasWritten'} = 0;
# Determine if I need to write a data descriptor
# I need to do this if I can't refresh the header
# and I don't know compressed size or crc32 fields.
my $headerFieldsUnknown = (
( $self->uncompressedSize() > 0 )
and ($self->compressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_STORED
or $self->desiredCompressionMethod() == COMPRESSION_DEFLATED )
my $shouldWriteDataDescriptor =
( $headerFieldsUnknown and not $fhIsSeekable );
if ($shouldWriteDataDescriptor);
$self->{'writeOffset'} = 0;
my $status = $self->rewindData();
( $status = $self->_writeLocalFileHeader($fh) )
if $status == AZ_OK;
( $status = $self->_writeData($fh) )
if $status == AZ_OK;
if ( $status == AZ_OK ) {
$self->{'wasWritten'} = 1;
if ( $self->hasDataDescriptor() ) {
$status = $self->_writeDataDescriptor($fh);
elsif ($headerFieldsUnknown) {
$status = $self->_refreshLocalFileHeader($fh);
return $status;
# Copy my (possibly compressed) data to given file handle.
# Returns C<AZ_OK> on success
sub _writeData {
my $self = shift;
my $writeFh = shift;
# If symbolic link, just create one if the operating system is Linux, Unix, BSD or VMS
# TODO: Add checks for other operating systems
if ( $self->{'isSymbolicLink'} == 1 && $^O eq 'linux' ) {
my $chunkSize = $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize;
my ( $outRef, $status ) = $self->readChunk($chunkSize);
symlink $$outRef, $self->{'newName'};
} else {
return AZ_OK if ( $self->uncompressedSize() == 0 );
my $status;
my $chunkSize = $Archive::Zip::ChunkSize;
while ( $self->_readDataRemaining() > 0 ) {
my $outRef;
( $outRef, $status ) = $self->readChunk($chunkSize);
return $status if ( $status != AZ_OK and $status != AZ_STREAM_END );
if ( length($$outRef) > 0 ) {
$self->_print($writeFh, $$outRef)
or return _ioError("write error during copy");
last if $status == AZ_STREAM_END;
$self->{'compressedSize'} = $self->_writeOffset();
return AZ_OK;
# Return true if I depend on the named file
sub _usesFileNamed {
return 0;