# -*- mode: perl -*-
# ============================================================================
package Net::SNMP::Security::Community;
# $Id: Community.pm,v 2.0 2009/09/09 15:05:33 dtown Rel $
# Object that implements the SNMPv1/v2c Community-based Security Model.
# Copyright (c) 2001-2009 David M. Town <dtown@cpan.org>
# All rights reserved.
# This program is free software; you may redistribute it and/or modify it
# under the same terms as the Perl 5 programming language system itself.
# ============================================================================
use strict;
use Net::SNMP::Security qw(
use Net::SNMP::Message qw(
## Version of the Net::SNMP::Security::Community module
our $VERSION = v2.0.0;
## Handle importing/exporting of symbols
use base qw( Net::SNMP::Security );
sub import
return Net::SNMP::Security->export_to_level(1, @_);
## RFC 3584 - snmpCommunityName::=OCTET STRING
sub COMMUNITY_DEFAULT { 'public' }
# [public methods] -----------------------------------------------------------
sub new
my ($class, %argv) = @_;
# Create a new data structure for the object
my $this = bless {
'_error' => undef, # Error message
'_version' => SNMP_VERSION_1, # SNMP version
'_community' => COMMUNITY_DEFAULT, # Community name
}, $class;
# Now validate the passed arguments
for (keys %argv) {
if (/^-?community$/i) {
} elsif (/^-?debug$/i) {
} elsif (/^-?version$/i) {
} else {
$this->_error('The argument "%s" is unknown', $_);
if (defined $this->{_error}) {
return wantarray ? (undef, $this->{_error}) : undef;
# Return the object and an empty error message (in list context)
return wantarray ? ($this, q{}) : $this;
sub generate_request_msg
my ($this, $pdu, $msg) = @_;
# Clear any previous errors
if (@_ < 3) {
return $this->_error('The required PDU and/or Message object is missing');
if ($pdu->version() != $this->{_version}) {
return $this->_error(
'The SNMP version %d was expected, but %d was found',
$this->{_version}, $pdu->version()
# Append the PDU
if (!defined $msg->append($pdu->copy())) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# community::=OCTET STRING
if (!defined $msg->prepare(OCTET_STRING, $this->{_community})) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# version::=INTEGER
if (!defined $msg->prepare(INTEGER, $this->{_version})) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# message::=SEQUENCE
if (!defined $msg->prepare(SEQUENCE)) {
return $this->_error($msg->error());
# Return the message
return $msg;
sub process_incoming_msg
my ($this, $msg) = @_;
# Clear any previous errors
return $this->_error('The required Message object is missing') if (@_ < 2);
if ($msg->security_name() ne $this->{_community}) {
return $this->_error(
'The community name "%s" was expected, but "%s" was found',
$this->{_community}, $msg->security_name()
return TRUE;
sub community
return $_[0]->{_community};
sub security_model
my ($this) = @_;
# RFC 3411 - SnmpSecurityModel::=TEXTUAL-CONVENTION
if ($this->{_version} == SNMP_VERSION_2C) {
sub security_name
return $_[0]->{_community};
# [private methods] ----------------------------------------------------------
sub _community
my ($this, $community) = @_;
return $this->_error('The community is not defined') if !defined $community;
$this->{_community} = $community;
return TRUE;
sub _version
my ($this, $version) = @_;
if (($version != SNMP_VERSION_1) && ($version != SNMP_VERSION_2C)) {
return $this->_error('The SNMP version %s is not supported', $version);
$this->{_version} = $version;
return TRUE;
# ============================================================================
1; # [end Net::SNMP::Security::Community]