" Vim syntax file
" Language: trustees
" Maintainer: Nima Talebi <nima@it.net.au>
" Last Change: 2005-10-12
if version < 600
syntax clear
elseif exists("b:current_syntax")
syntax case match
syntax sync minlines=0 maxlines=0
" Errors & Comments
syntax match tfsError /.*/
highlight link tfsError Error
syntax keyword tfsSpecialComment TODO XXX FIXME contained
highlight link tfsSpecialComment Todo
syntax match tfsComment ~\s*#.*~ contains=tfsSpecialComment
highlight link tfsComment Comment
" Operators & Delimiters
highlight link tfsSpecialChar Operator
syntax match tfsSpecialChar ~[*!+]~ contained
highlight link tfsDelimiter Delimiter
syntax match tfsDelimiter ~:~ contained
" Trustees Rules - Part 1 of 3 - The Device
syntax region tfsRuleDevice matchgroup=tfsDeviceContainer start=~\[/~ end=~\]~ nextgroup=tfsRulePath oneline
highlight link tfsRuleDevice Label
highlight link tfsDeviceContainer PreProc
" Trustees Rules - Part 2 of 3 - The Path
syntax match tfsRulePath ~/[-_a-zA-Z0-9/]*~ nextgroup=tfsRuleACL contained contains=tfsDelimiter
highlight link tfsRulePath String
" Trustees Rules - Part 3 of 3 - The ACLs
syntax match tfsRuleACL ~\(:\(\*\|[+]\{0,1\}[a-zA-Z0-9/]\+\):[RWEBXODCU!]\+\)\+$~ contained contains=tfsDelimiter,tfsRuleWho,tfsRuleWhat
syntax match tfsRuleWho ~\(\*\|[+]\{0,1\}[a-zA-Z0-9/]\+\)~ contained contains=tfsSpecialChar
highlight link tfsRuleWho Identifier
syntax match tfsRuleWhat ~[RWEBXODCU!]\+~ contained contains=tfsSpecialChar
highlight link tfsRuleWhat Structure