=== WooCommerce Multilingual - run WooCommerce with WPML ===
Contributors: AmirHelzer, sergey.r, mihaimihai, EduardMaghakyan, andrewp-2
Donate link: http://wpml.org/documentation/related-projects/woocommerce-multilingual/
Tags: CMS, woocommerce, commerce, ecommerce, e-commerce, products, WPML, multilingual, e-shop, shop
License: GPLv2
Requires at least: 3.9
Tested up to: 5.1
Stable tag:
Allows running fully multilingual e-commerce sites using WooCommerce and WPML.
== Description ==
This 'glue' plugin makes it possible to run fully multilingual e-commerce sites using [WooCommerce](https://wordpress.org/plugins/woocommerce/) and [WPML](http://wpml.org).
= Key Features =
* Translate all WooCommerce products (simple, variable, grouped, external)
* Easy translation management for products, categories and attributes
* Keeps the same language through the checkout process
* Sends emails to clients and admins in their language
* Allows inventory tracking without breaking products into languages
* Enables running a single WooCommerce store with multiple currencies
= Compatibility with WooCommerce Extensions =
Almost every WooCommerce store uses some extensions. WooCommerce Multilingual is fully compatible with popular extensions, including:
* [WooCommerce Bookings](https://wpml.org/documentation/woocommerce-extensions-compatibility/translating-woocommerce-bookings-woocommerce-multilingual/)
* [WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping](https://wpml.org/documentation/woocommerce-extensions-compatibility/translating-woocommerce-table-rate-shipping-woocommerce-multilingual/)
* [WooCommerce Subscriptions](https://wpml.org/documentation/woocommerce-extensions-compatibility/translating-woocommerce-subscriptions-woocommerce-multilingual/)
* [WooCommerce Product Add-ons](https://wpml.org/documentation/woocommerce-extensions-compatibility/translating-woocommerce-product-add-ons-woocommerce-multilingual/)
* [WooCommerce Tab Manager](https://wpml.org/documentation/woocommerce-extensions-compatibility/translating-woocommerce-tab-manager-woocommerce-multilingual/)
Looking for other extensions that are tested and compatible with WPML? See the complete [list of WooCommerce extensions that are compatible with WPML](https://wpml.org/documentation/woocommerce-extensions-compatibility/).
= Usage Instructions =
For step by step instructions on setting up a multilingual shop, please go to [WooCommerce Multilingual Manual](http://wpml.org/documentation/related-projects/woocommerce-multilingual/) page.
After installing, follow the steps of the *setup wizard* to translate the store pages, configure what attributes should be translated, enable the multi-currency mode and other settings.
Then, continue to the 'Products' and any categories, tags and attributes that you use.
When you need help, go to [WooCommerce Multilingual support forum](http://wpml.org/forums/topic-tag/woocommerce/).
= Downloads =
This version of WooCommerce Multilingual works with WooCommerce > 3.3.0
You will also need [WPML](http://wpml.org), together with the String Translation and the Translation Management modules, which are part of the [Multilingual CMS](http://wpml.org/purchase/) package.
= Minimum versions for WPML and modules =
WooCommerce Multilingual checks that the following versions of WPML and their components are active:
* WPML Multilingual CMS - 4.0
* WPML String Translation - 2.8
* WPML Translation Management - 2.6
Without having all these running, WooCommerce Multilingual will not be able to run.
== Installation ==
= Minimum Requirements =
* WordPress 3.9 or later
* PHP version 5.6 or later
* MySQL version 5.6 or later
* WooCommerce 3.3.0 or later
* WPML Multilingual CMS 4.0 or later
* WPML String Translation 2.8 or later
* WPML Translation Management 2.6 or later
= WordPress automatic installation =
In your WordPress dashboard, go to the Plugins section and click 'Add new'.
= WPML Installer =
If you're already using WPML on your site, in your WordPress dashboard, go to the Plugins section, click 'Add new' and go to the 'Commercial' tab.
= Manual Installation =
1. Upload 'woocommerce-multilingual' to the '/wp-content/plugins/' directory
2. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress
= Setup =
After installing the plugin either automatically or manually:
1. Follow the steps of the setup wizard for the basic required configuration
2. Translate existing content: products, attributes, permalink bases
3. Optionally, add secondary currencies
= Updating =
Once you installer WooCommerce Multilingual, the built in Installer works together with the WordPress automatic update built in logic to make the updating process as easy as it can be.
== Frequently Asked Questions ==
= Does this work with other e-commerce plugins? =
No. This plugin is tailored for WooCommerce.
= What do I need to do in my theme? =
Make sure that your theme is not hard-coding any URL. Always use API calls to receive URLs to pages and you'll be fine.
= My checkout page displays in the same language =
In order for the checkout and store pages to appear translated, you need to create several WordPress pages and insert the WooCommerce shortcodes into them. You'll have to go over the [documentation](http://wpml.org/documentation/related-projects/woocommerce-multilingual/) and see that you performed all steps on the way.
= Can I have different urls for the store in the different languages? =
Yes. You can translate the product permalink base, product category base, product tag base and the product attribute base on the Store URLs section.
= Why do my product category pages return a 404 error? =
In this case, you may need to translate the product category base. You can do that on the Store URLs section.
= Can I set the prices in the secondary currencies? =
By default, the prices in the secondary currencies are determined using the exchange rates that you fill in when you add or edit a currency. On individual products, however, you can override this and set prices manually for the secondary currencies.
= Can I have separate currencies for each language? =
Yes. By default, each currency will be available for all languages, but you can customize this and disable certain currencies on certain languages.
= Is this plugin compatible with other WooCommerce extensions? =
WooCommerce Multilingual is compatible with all major WooCommerce extensions. We're continuously work on checking and maintaining compatibility and collaborate closely with the authors of these extensions.
== Screenshots ==
1. Products translation screen
2. Product translation editor
3. Global attributes translation
4. Multiple currencies
5. Status Page
6. Shop URLs translation screen
== Changelog ==
= =
* Fix error while updating product
= 4.4.2 =
* Woocommerce Product addons fix notice with old global addons
* Fix error with WPML Translation management < 2.8.0 in combination with updated WPML core to 3.2.0
* Fix Composite products error on orders page
= 4.4.1 =
* Fixed catalog visibility not updating
* Fix fatal error with Composite products
* Fix fatal error with Woocommerce Product Addons
* Removed options from WCML/Settings for handling Products translation since this can now be done with the post-switcher implemented in WPML 4.2.0
* Fix fatal error when bundle product is false
* Fix empty cart error with enabled option to clean cart when switching currency
* Fixed issue with trailing comma in product gallery handling
= 4.4.0 =
* Added the ability to associate BACS accounts with currencies
* Fix and removed duplicated entries in code
* Hide reviews in other languages link, if there are no reviews in product
* Update WCML Logo
* Added support for wpml endpoints
* Removed Product Type Column from WCML backend and added compatibility with the WC Product Type Column plugin
* Fix low_stock_amount not synchronized to translations
* Fix custom attribute with number in name not appears to translation in Translation editor
* Fix not applied price rule for WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping in second currency
* Fix translated custom field wrongly saved to translation if contains array of strings
* Endless loop when using troubleshooting action to duplicate terms
* Fixed an issue with Elementor PRO products block showing all categories in the translated page.
* Fixed Xliff doesn't contains variation descriptions for WooCommerce Subscriptions
* Fixed compatibility issue with Flatsome theme
* Fix issue with custom product attribute title when trying to upload translation with XLIFF file
* Fixed cart validate for specific situations
* Added filter for translated package rates
* Added WPML switcher buttons library for Multi Currency in backend
* Fix loading Jquery to any place in code and in header
* Added fix for variation product "become" out-of-stock when translating using native screen
* Removed backward compatibility filters for terms synchronization
* Fixed attribute slug language always set to English
* Wrong path in Bookings compatibility class
* Fixed a fatal error occuring with older versions of WooCommerce (3.3.5)
* Fixed confirming order as complete from the order edit screen, does not decrement the second language stock qty
* Product category data always synchronizes on save of the translation and does not respect WPML option to sync taxonomies
* Fixed call to undefined method WPML_URL_Filters::remove_global_hooks with WPML < 3.6.0
* Fixed compatibility class name for wc product addons
* Fixed manual order creation does not respect manual prices
* Fix email language for the order as complete emails
* Fixed Composite Products compatibility - Price not rounding to the nearest integer
* Fixed missing custom attribute in XLIFF file / Pro Translation
* Fix Endpoint error to prevent 404 in some cases
* Fixed accepted arguments for terms_clause
* Resolved an exception causing an error message in the cart in some setups
* Fixed missed synchronization of 'outofstock' visibility term between product translations
* Fix broken logic with Table Rate Shipping when product uses class with "break and abort" rule
* Custom attributes terms not copied to diplicated translation after update values in original
* WP Fastest Cache compatibility - fixed currency switcher problem
* Added ability to set custom prices for secondary currencies in WC Product Add-Ons
* Update minimum requirements
= 4.3.7 =
* Fixed issue which was changing the current language of the site when saving an order
* Better compatibility class for LiteSpeed Cache that doesn't require changing the URL
* Fixed issue with serialized data in term meta table
* Fix price with schedule sale dates in multicurrency
* Add compatibility class for LiteSpeed Cache plugin
* Fixed issue with problem in downloadable products in secondary language with different domain per language is enabled
= 4.3.6 =
* Removed wpml_referer_url as it is no longer used
* Fixed Fatal error on updating original, after setting attachments to "do not translate"
* Changed currency services rate rounding precision limit to 6 digits
* Fixed 404 error for translated attribute archive page
* Fixed prepending shop page before home page in breadcrumbs
= 4.3.5 =
* Fix rest translation in products creation
* Fixed incorrect translation matched for Table Rate Shipping title
* Price is not saved correctly via "Quick Edit" if secondary currency is selected on front
* Fixed a performance issue when a product has a lot of variations.
* Fixed variation image synchronization
* Lower priority of 'woocommerce_cart_item_name' hook for "WooCommerce Product Subtitle" and others to work
* Fixed performance issues on product listing page with big amount of attributes
* Fixed fatal error with WPML older than 3.9
* Fix redirection to wcml dashboard in a specific case if you skip wizard
* Fixed stock status when purchasing the last product in the second language which does not update status for original
* WooCommerce Product Bundle synchronizations problems when re-creating bundle product translation
* Fixed Woo Variations Table Compatibility issue with overwritten product title in specific scenario
* Fix cosmetic issue with mutli-currency message in product post screen
* Fixed infinite loop with large product numbers and languages
= 4.3.4 =
* Fixed error: Cannot redeclare woocommerce_wp_text_input
* Fixed error when creating booking from admin without creating order
* Fixed Woocommerce Dynamic Price issue with Advanced category price in second language
* Fixed attachments duplication when synchronizing gallery
* Fix situation with filtering WC attributes calling by sku
* Fix a problem that you cannot delete booking from trash
* Fix prevent letters in multicurrency popup for number of decimals
* Fix accept only symbols in decimal separator for multi currency
* Resolved fatal error when a galler shortcode has a leading, trailing or extra comma
* Fix issue in show comments in all languages functionality
* Fixed displaying WYSIWYG fields from additional plugins as single line text
* Fix small issue with order of breadcrumbs in second language
* Fix default term value in product variation when using display as translated feature
* Allow users to comment on product that they have bought, but in other languages
* Fixed WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing compatibility -> filtering by role not applied for secondary currency
* Added support for translating WooCommerce terms and conditions
* Fixed totals in order if the product has custom price in second currency
* Fix displaying email subject when you have 3rd party email notification plugin
* Fixed product view price when secondary currency have different range of dates for sale price
* Fix small issue with creations of WooCommerce Booking in backend
= 4.3.3 =
* Fixed small issue in WC Bookings where block cost in other currencies is not saved correctly
* Fix an error due to a bug in upgrade logic
* Fix compatibility issue with WC Product Addons and not displayed label in secondary language
* Return back duplication logic for product image and gallery
* Fix warning in secondary language if you don't have any wc pages
* Fix wrong language for attribute in Product creation page
* Fixed bug in Product Search Widget when wpml language set as a parameter
* Fixed fatal error occurring in some cases when updating from older versions
* Fixed cosmetic issue when hovering over currencies
= =
* wcmlc argument always being added when switching currency
* Missing images on the translated product page
= 4.3.2 =
* Fixed an error when adding a product to cart in specific situations
* Error while adding product to cart wit WC < 3.4.0
* Fixed issue with product images not showing in translations
* SW Product bundles error while activating
= 4.3.1 =
* Error in WCML_Currency_Switcher_Templates while activating
* Fix an issue where New order admin email subject and heading were overwrites with wrong data
* Fixed the missing duplicated images when translating a product.
= 4.3.0 =
* Added ability to filtering comments by language
* Use display-as-translated for product images and product galleries
* Fixed issue when deleting a currency in Safari
* Fixed issue causing fatal error when activating WCML and WPML String Translation
* Changes in the Fixer.io API
* Added a fix where in some situation the product slug URL is not translated correctly
* Variable product removed from cart when switching language on the cart page
* Multicurrency in defaults not calculated correctly when creating manual order
* Product Bundles - search products returned wrong values
* Translating custom product category base leads to products returning error 404 when both bases contains the same string
* Table Rate Shipping - products with different classes produce no shipping method on cart page
* New order admin email subject and heading were overwrites with wrong data
* Fix small issue in product stock sync
* Refund and restock - not working properly when refunding the variation in second language
* WooCommerce Product Bundles -> original overwrites translation (visible when using title/description override)
= 4.2.10 =
* Fix compatibility issues with PHP 7.1
* Fix issue with product slug when using language per domain in WPML
* Removed notice when set domain per language in WPML
* WooCommerce Bookings: Added support to translate booking emails
* Removed warning from translation editor when set display as translated
* Added compatibility for unsupported WooCommerce themes
* Removed some custom WPML taxonomies from plugin's Dashboard
* Fix an error with product variations which you cannot add them in cart if display as translated feature is used
* WooCommerce Composite Products: Fix Default option sync when using component option category
* WooCommerce Subscriptions: Fix Sign-up fee recalculation cost in some situations
* Theme Storefront: Fix Cart widget currency symbol not switched after switching currency
* Siteground Optimizer: Fix an issue with currency switcher
* Wrong price when manually adding product to an order with multicurrency enabled
* WooCommerce Bookings : Fix Block cost recalculation in second currency
* Added filter for oder_item_quantity
* Fix issue in endpoints when set My Account as homepage
* WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing: Fix Order total rules by category
* Relevanssi compatibility - add missing terms for translated product
= 4.2.9 =
* Fix wrong qty in cart page for same product and different language
* Fix changes for WC 3.3 in order page for second language
* Downloadable file paths always converted when "Different domain per language" chosen
* Fix small error in automatic currency
* Fix error in WC Reports in displaying sales by categories correctly for all languages
= =
* Fix error with WPML < 3.9
= 4.2.8 =
* Visual Bakery Composer compatibility issue - some strings displays in default language instead on user admin language
* Variable product with local attributes displays all variations values set to "any" with "use translation if available or fallback to default language" enabled for products
* Product Customizer produce error messages
* WooCommerce Subscriptions -> 'From....' price is not converted to current currency
* Global add-on filtered by category - does not work in second language
* [Fatal Error] WooCommerce Subscriptions -> Resubscribe with no multi-currency enabled
* Variation downloadable files not synchronized with Products Download Files setting in the native editor
* Incorrect category count in second languages
* WooCommerce Subscription incorrect recurring totals in secondary currency
* Manually set price (2nd currency) -> adding product to manually created order results in price of the first currency being used
= =
* Fixed fatal error while updating to 4.2.7 with Woocommerce Bundles
= 4.2.7 =
* Translated attributes and "Display as translated" mode for products -> shows no variation in second language
* Notices on front when Reset cart feature is enabled and WooCommerce version >= 2.3
* Notice in edit order screen and empty comment added to the order (order note)
* Woo Bundles product filtering for variable products does not work in second language
* WooCommerce Subscriptions - > sign-up fee in the default currency does not work
* Visiting customer-logout endpoint in the second language makes it re-register and sets the string as "Translation needs update"
* Default attributes for variable products were not synchronized correctly for translated variable products.
* Wrong "product" slug translation on product edit page
* WooCommerce EU VAT - VAT set when exempt and doubled in second currency
* WooCommerce widget for filtering by attribute when shop page is front/home page
* Etheme Blanco compatibility - Inconsistency with minicart
* Remove Yahoo service from available services because it was discontinued
* Sync problems with Bundle product which contains one product two times in bundle items
* Endpoints on my account page removed from the link URL
= 4.2.6 =
* WooCommerce Tab Manager categories aren't copied to translated tabs
* Endpoint translation issue when submitting a job post on secondary languages [WP Job Manager]
* After changing the payment method, the information is sent incorrectly in the email
* WooCommerce Subscriptions plugin fatal error on the secondary language
* Fix for Woocommerce Dynamic Pricing
* WooCommerce subscriptions > Manually set sign-up fee is not respected
* WoooCommerce Subscriptions -> changing currency and re-subscribing produces wrong price in the cart
* Total sales not synced when not managing stocks
* Adding to cart German product with custom attribute results in improper sanitized custom attribute name after the action is complete
* WooCommerce Multilingual Translation editor -> Missing Custom Field label
* WooCommerce Product Add-ons - Admin edit global addon screen shows previous value for name/descripton after update
* Filtering by variation does not work for product bundle
* Fix responsiveness of reset cart prompt
= 4.2.5 =
* Added 'wcml_hide_cart_alert_dialog' filter to support hide cart alert switching dialog
* Cannot update Purchase note (any other custom field) once the job is completed
* New order admin emails have un-translated heading and subject when admin language is different of default
* Product in cart not adjusted to correct language when switching languages
* WooCommerce Subscriptions -> Product with free trial has no payment method
* Strings for subject and title are not translating for Refund emails
* Page builder strings does not translate in a product when WCML is enabled
* Fixed small glitch with no payment methods in free product with extra shipping cost
* Fix an issue that caused fatal error in WooCommerce Store Exporter plugin
* Fixed wrong output when using multiple categories in shortcodes
* Fixed compatibility issue in WC Membership with wrong product url
* Un-trashing product results of redirect to post listing in WCML
* Fix a bug that the price calculation is not correct in combination with WC Bookings and WC Deposit plugin
* MaxStore Pro theme compatibility for mini cart
* Product price was doubled on cart in combination with Booking and Product Addons
= 4.2.4 =
* Allow translating categories used in shortcodes when the simple tax query is used
* Switching language/currency reset cart feature redirect to random product page after reset cart
* Fixed and incompatibility issue with the WooCommerce EU VAT Number extension
* Wrong prices in secondary currency when applying coupons
* Fixed a bug that was preventing adding multiple products to cart after changing the site language and resetting the cart
* Fixed an incompatibility issue with WooCommerce Bookings: the layout of the conformation prompt from switching the cart was broken.
* Serialized custom fields were translated incorrectly using the WooCommerce Multilingual Translation Editor
= 4.2.3 =
* A fatal error occurred when deactivating WPML with WooCommerce Multilingual being active
= 4.2.2 =
* My account Bookings list page displays bookings in all languages
* Updating variable product does not refresh product visibility terms
* Currency switcher doesn't reload the product page if # is present in the URL
* Fixed a PHP fatal error that was occurring when using WooCommerce Multilingual together with Sensei
* The 'featured' product field was not synchronized across product translations
* When updating a translation, the product translation slug was overwritten if product contains page builders fields
* The 'reset password' form in a secondary language pointed to a 404 error
* "product/%product_cat%" product permalink doesn't work for products without category assigned in second language if "Uncategorized" string not translated in String Translation module
* WC Subscriptions compatibility error
* It was not possible to set the custom price value in secondary currencies as '0'
* It was not possible to translate attribute slugs if the attributes base was not translated
* Currency switcher styles were not loaded when using only a shortcode currency switcher
* The customer order email was sent in default language when the 'Processing' button was clicked on the back-end
= 4.2.1 =
* Added the ability to set custom currencies for orders created via the REST API
* Filter by translation status displays wrong results on WooCommerce Multilingual products list page
* Prices were not synced when creating a product translation via REST API
* Missing Woocommerce pages were created in default language
* Fatal error while custom call not active currency switcher template
* Duplicating from WooCommerce resulted in losing language data for the original product
* Coupon with category restriction removed when switching language on cart page
* PHP errors were shown on the admin dashboard when no orders existed and displaying errors was on
* A fatal error (undefiend get_current_screen) was occurring in some conditions on the WP admin side
* Cart widget shows wrong product names
* Fixed a small but that defualt currency template didn't load correctly in new installation
* Added compatibility for grouped products
* Fixed an issue in lost password endpoint when editing it
* The cart total in a secondary currencies could have been added a previously removed shipping tax
* Post translation won't save when Product Bundles plugin is active
* Fixed comp issue with dynamic price with translated variations don't work in secondary language
* Cart reset button point to wrong language
* Fix issue with not matched translated labels because of special characters
* Fixed an issue when sold individually is enabled and different variations of the same product
* Fix the ability to set custom download files in downloadable variable products with WCML product editor
* Fixed small issue in separate file control in downloadable variation product
* Fix a bug where Variations were made downloadable after their description was updated.
* Checkout Field Editor compatibility fix
* Fixed issue with displaying custom prices in Bundles Products
* Add filter for 'woocommerce_subscriptions_product_price'
* Fixed compatibi;ity issue with coupos not applied correctly in a subscription product
* The `wcml_raw_price_amount` filter could not be used to convert to a different currency than the current user currency
= 4.2.0 =
* Added the ability to translate Sensei question custom post types
* Added the ability to translate serialized custom fields with in the Translation Editor
* Payment method title not displaying in emails Mollie Payment's payment processor compatibility
* Show an admin notice for environments in which switching the language or currency on the front end, could corrupt the cart contents
* Changing the order of the variations was disconnecting them from their translations
* When selecting the currencylayer provider for automatic exchange rate, the API KEY filter was not visible
* The multi-currency component made the admin dashboard page loading unnecessarily slow
* Variations with custom attributes could not be duplicated as translations
* A fatal error occurred when using old WordPress versions (before 4.4.0) - rest_get_url_prefix didn't exist
* The admin orders page was loading slower than necessary
* A PHP fatal error was occurring when using the Adventure Tours extension
* A product addon was added to the cart more then once in combination with Bookings
* For translated products, the product variation names were displayed in the old format (before WooCommerce 3.0)
* The prices in the secondary currencies for products in secondary languages for products read via the REST API were incorrect
* CSS for the currency switcher was loaded when the multi-currency was not enabled
* Visual Composer field value not updated in WooCommerce Multilingual translation editor after update original
* Wrong count of not translated products on WooCommerce Multilingual Status tab
* Fixed a javascript error on the shop page
* It was not possible to use the clear cart feature with enabled WPML Ajax cookies only
* WooCommerce Product Bundles: Bundled items filtering by variation was not synced with translations
* Bookings max availability value was changing after adding bookable product to cart few times
* In some cases the the option to prompt for a confirmation about resetting the cart when switching the language was not working
* The variation names were, sometimes, displayed in the wrong language in the orders, on the back-end
= 4.1.4 =
* Added possibility to filter available Currency Switcher templates paths via "wcml_cs_directories_to_scan" filter
* The "Copy to a new draft" link was showing two times on the product edit page
* For taxonomies having the term_id distinct from term_taxonomy_id, the translations could have been accidentally overwritten
* In some conditions, a fatal error could come up when editing a product
* In some circustances, disabling currency switcher on product page produced a fatal error
* Custom attributes in the translations were reset after editing the original product
* Sometimes, the translated product category pages were returning a 404 error
* It was not possible to filter products by price on the shop page using the WooCommerce Price Filter widget
= 4.1.2 =
* Fixed `Fatal error: Call to undefined method WPML_WP_API::defined`
* Fixed the currency switcher not being displayed correctly when using the Storefront theme
* Fixed `Fatal error: Call to undefined function wc_format_decimal()`
* Fixed a bug causing an error when upgrading WooCommerce Multilingual to version 4.1 with WooCommerce inactive.
* ixed the currency switcher css being loaded when no currency switcher was displayed
= 4.1.1 =
* Fixed a pre PHP 5.4 compatibility issue
* Fixed `Notice: Undefined index: switcher_id`
* Fixed `Fatal error: Class ‘WPML_File’ not found` when using an old version of WPML
* Fixed "Invalid or duplicated SKU" error when saving or updating a product with SKU
* Fixed `Fatal error: Call to undefined function WC()` when disabling WooCommerce while WCML is running
= 4.1.0 =
* Enhanced language switchers
* Improved REST API support
* Updated WooCommerce 2.7 compatibiilty
* Added the ability to translate product terms in the products translation editor
* Enhanced the translation of rich text custom fields in the products translation editor.
* Compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundles (updated, not for WooCommerce 2.7)
* Compatibility with ACF Pro (fixes)
* Compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings (fixes)
* Compatibility with WP Simple Survey (fixes)
* Fix: Translations for custom attributes containing the umlaut character were not showing on the frontend.
* Fix: Some gallery images were not synchronized when using the corresponding option on the troubleshooting page.
* Fix: Incorrect country name translations were used in the order confirmation email is some situations.
* Fix: Some endpoints were not accessible when using the ‘Different languages in directories’ configuration.
* Fix: Order screen displayed ‘Variation # of Product name’ instead of just the product name.
* Fix: The custom prices were not displayed correctly on the front end when using ‘,’ as a decimal separator.
* Fix: In specific circumstances, the product category URLs were returning a 404 error.
* Fix: New lines were not copied correctly when using the products translation editor.
* Fix: In some circumstances, accessing product categories without a trailing slash generated PHP notices.
* Fix: The stock status was not synchronized correctly for variable products.
* Fix: By removing an attribute, only the terms in the default language were removed from the database.
* Fix: When using the option to display only products with custom prices in the secondary currencies and the price was 0, the products variations were not visible on the front end.
* Fix: The option to set separate download files for each translation was not working correctly for variable products
= 4.0.4 =
* Bug fix: empty shipping class was shown on the Quick Editor when using WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping
* Bug fix: the Translation Editor could not save the same slug for translations of the same product
* Bug fix: sales by product reports were inorect when filterign by languages including a dash character in their code
* Bug fix: as of version 4.0.2 the option to use custom settings for translations download files was not always working
* Bug fix: a PHP fatal error was shown when WooCommerce Multilingual was active but WooCommerce was not active
* Bug fix: global attributes of variations were not copied to transltions when using the native interface to edit product translations
* Bug fix: it was not possible to add multiple bookings in the cart at one time (when using WooCommerce Bookings)
* Bug fix: custom URL parameters were not preserved when switching the language on the shop page
* Fixed various incompatibilities with PHP 7.1
= 4.0.3 =
* Fixed fatal error caused by syntax incompatible with PHP versions prior 5.5
= 4.0.2 =
* Added a troubleshooting option to fix a problem with incorrectly translated product_type terms revealed by upgrading to WordPress 4.7
= 4.0.1 =
* Fixed various issues introduced by version 4.0.0
* Fixed a problem that was preventing the cart from being updated for some users: items added or removed
* Fixed a problem with product categories not being synchronized for product translations in some cases
= 4.0.0 =
* Added the option to configure automatic exchange rates for the multi-currency mode
* Optimized the synchronization process between products and their translations when saving products
* Added the option to reset the cart when switching the languages or currencies
* Added compatibility updates for WordPress 4.7
* Improved usability aspects related to popular compatible extensions
* Added compatibility updates for upcoming WooCommerce 2.7
* Fixed a compatibility issue with Yoast SEO premium: Redirects to the original product were created for translated variations
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Tab Manager: HTML was stripped out when saving the translation of a tab
* Bug fix: downloadable products were added multiple times to the cart (instead of quantity change)
* Bug fix: order-pay endpoint string was re-registering itself with a blank value
= 3.9.5 =
* Fixed a bug introduced in 3.9.4 that prevented translating variable products
= 3.9.4 =
* Fixed an issue with custom prices (secondary currency) overriding the price in the default currency in some conditions
* Fixed an issue with WooCommerce Authorize.Net AIM Gateway happening when using the credit cart checkout
* Bug fix: the group products were excluded from the order notification emails
* Fixed a compatibility issue with Revolution Slider
* Changed the input field for variation descriptions to textarea in the tranlsation editor
* Fixed an issue related to rates per shipping in secondary currencies when using WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping
* Bug fix: the shipping class was not displayed in the backend when when using WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping and creating the product in a secondary language
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Print Invoices
* Fixed compatibility issues with Sensei
* Added a filter for rounding rules logic
* Added a currencies that do not use decimals
= 3.9.3 =
* Fixed a bug that was causing the currency switcher to not be displayed on the cart and checkout pages in certain conditions
* Fixed PHP notices on the backend when using PHP 7
* Fixed a bug making the number of decimals for the default currency being overridden in the backend when the multi-currency was on
= 3.9.2 =
* Bug fix: User with the Shop Manager role was could not access WooCommerce Multilingual menu
* Bug fix: the shipping tax was not applied correctly when using a WooCommerce version prior 2.6
* Bug fix: Translations for variaiton descriptions were not saved correctly
* Bug fix: New order emails sent to admins included incorrectly translated strings
* Bug fix: A fatal error was occurring when upgrading from WooCommerce Multilingual 3.3 (or older)
* Product add-on titles were missing from order pages and emails
= =
* Bug fix: Fixed a bug causing fatal error on older PHP versions (before 5.6)
= 3.9.1 =
* Fixed a bug related to the stock information not syncing correctly across translations
* Bug fix: and incorrect value for products out of stock was show on the dashboard
* Bug fix: the link to edit custom prices was not working for variations
= 3.9 =
* Added compatibility with WooCommerce 2.7 (orders, coupons etc...)
* Included the custom taxonomies associated with products in the WooCommerce Multilingual menu
* Added the possibility to translate the attribute slugs
* Added possibility to include some HTML tags in the currency switcher
* Added the option to show the cart total in the currency switcher
* Import payment methods translations from mo files upon activation
* Many usability improvements
* Moved the WooCommerce Multilingual submenu under the WooCommerce menu
* Added two new subsections to the Status section: products and multi-currency
* Bug fix: table Rates labels were not showing up on the cart page when WCML was active
* Bug fix: the currency order preview was not including the newly added currencies
* Bug fix: number of untranslated terms was sometimes wrong in the Status area
* Bug fix: in some cases a variation description field showed up twice in the Translation Editor
* Bug fix: orders showed the attributes slugs instead of names
* Bug fix: for products without prices (no purchase button), the translations were showing up as 'Free' (with purchase button)
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Bookings: custom prices were not displayed correctly in the second currency
* Added fixed to the compatibility class for WooCommerce Tab Manager
* Fixed a compatibility problem with the recent version W3TC related to the currency switcher
* Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce Product Add-ons
= 3.8.6 =
* Fix shipping cost conversion issue specific to PHP 5.6
* Bug fix: an incorrect shipping cost was displayed on the backend when the order was placed in a secondary currency
* Bug fix: users with the Shop Manager role were not able to translate products
* Bug fix: changing an order language in the backend did not change the language for attributes in the order
* Bug fix: for every e-mail action took when editing an order a new order e-mail was sent to the admin
= 3.8.5 =
* Fixed more problems related to converting shipping costs in secondary currencies
* Fixed one compatibility problem with WooCommerce Show Single Variations
* Bug fix: product translations were not synchronized correctly when marking an existing product as a translation of another one
* Bug fix: variation names not displayed in tooltips on the orders screen in the backend
* Updated the wpml-config.xml configuration file: copy prices to product translations also when multi-currency is not on
* Other small fixes for the admin interface
= 3.8.4 =
* Bug fix: minimum required amount was not calculated correctly for secondary currencies (not included in the previous version)
= 3.8.3 =
* Added improvements to the Translation Editor for translating custom fields for products and variations
* Added access for translator subscribers to translate content
* Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce Visual Products Configurator (wrong amount in cart)
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Product Addons (untranslated labels)
* Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce Composite products
* Fixed some new compatibility issues with WooCommerce Bookings
* Bug fix: when using language as parameter and the 'dropdown' option was used for the product categories widget, translated urls were not working
* Bug fix: shipping costs were not showing on the secondary languages in some cases
* Bug fix: the shipping costs were not calculated correctly for currencies using less decimals than the default currency
* Bug fix: adding a product to the cart and then adding its translation too could lead to a fatal error
* Bug fix: switching the language on the cart page when using different domains for different languages was emptying the cart
* Bug fix: minimum required amount was not calculated correctly for secondary currencies
* Bug fix: incorrect currency symbol was displayed on the 'Filter by Price' widget
= 3.8.2 =
* Bug fix: cart strings not displaying in the correct language in some conditions
* Bug fix: prices in secondary currencies were not updated on the front end after changing the price (the cache was not invalidated)
* Bug fix: shipping classes were not synchronized for translated products in some circumstances
* Bug fix: translated endpoints were missing from teh rewrite rules after updating the permalinks
* Bug fix: stock status was sometimes not synchronized correctly when changing the stock manually
* Bug fix: when using the default category base the language switcher did not show translated urls on the front end
* Updated the cart cache hashes logic according to new WooCommerce logic
* Added a new filter: 'wcml_product_custom_prices'
* Added separate section for translatable fields for external products in the translations editor
* Fixed compatibility issues with WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping 3.0+
* Fixed one compatibility issue with WooCommerce Dynamic Pricing: the discount was not shown on the mini-cart
* Fixed compatibility with Product Add-ons: strings were not translated
= 3.8.1 =
* Fixed one compatibility issue with WooCommerce Ajax Cart: cart quantities were not updating
* Fixed one compatibility issue with WooCommerce Bookings: incorrect bookings were shown in the backend when toggling between admin languages
* Fixed one compatibility issue with the Adventure Tours theme
* Fixed one compatibility issue with the Aurum theme
* Fixed compatibility issues with the Composite Products plugin
* Bug fix: auto-generated slugs on the products translation editor were not made unique
* Bug fix: sometimes prices with decimals were subtracted 0.01
* Made translation controls on the WooCommerce products page disabled by default
* Optimized autoloading of PHP classes for better performance
= 3.8 =
* A new design, a new look and feel complementing the new WPML 3.4
* A new translation editor for the products
* New options for translating product attributes
* An enhanced and dedicated configuration screen for multi-currency
* Easier translation of URLs
* Immediate attention to configuration issues on the Status page
* Improved support for the WooCommerce REST API
* Straightforward setup wizard to run WooCommerce Multilingual
* Bundled Installer makes it effortless to add in the required plugins
* Option for downloadable products to share files under each product
* Other price types can be set custom values for secondary currencies
* Translating WooCommerce email strings also got simpler
* Numerous bug fixes and enhancements
= 3.7.16 =
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.6 (woocommerce_term_meta tables removed)
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Table Rate Shipping (shipping class not showing on secondary language)
* Bug fix: Translated shipping classes were sometimes not displayed for secondary languages
* Bug fix: WooCommerce Booking & Appointments causes Fatal Error when Translation Management
* Bug fix: Yoast custom fields were not shown in the translation editor
= 3.7.15 =
* Fixed a problem with BACS payment gateway strings not being translated in order confirmation page
* Fixed some compatibility issues with WooCommerce Tab Manager
= 3.7.14 =
* Fixed a problem introduced in the previous version: Mollie payment methods not working when using the 'Mollie Payments for WooCommerce' plugin
= 3.7.13 =
* Bug fix: When adding a global attribute inline while creating a product in a secondary language, the term was created in the wrong language
* Fixed a compatibility issues with WooCommerce Tab Manager: fatal error when trying to translate a product
* Fixed another compatibility issues with WooCommerce Tab Manager: when a product had only a global tab, the translated tab didn't show up on the translated product
* Improvements for how the gateways strings are registered for translation
* Updated logic for registering and translating Shipping zones and methods according to changes in WooCommerce 2.6
= 3.7.12 =
* Fixed a bug that made the shop pages return 404 errors on WordPress 4.5
* Fixed warnings caused by terms translated before the WooCommerce Multilingual activation
* Bug fix: WooCommerce Multilingual locales for secondary languages were not loaded correctly
= 3.7.11 =
* Bug fix: the downloadable products were not synced properly with their translations
* Bug fix: the confirmation for installing WooCommerce translations for the secondary languages was not saved
* Bug fix: The option to "Show only products with custom prices in secondary currencies" was not working well for variable products
* Bug fix: saving custom prices when creating a new product didn't work
* Removed backward compatibility with WooCommerce versions older than 2.1
* Small compatibility fixes for the upcoming WordPress 4.5
* Fixed a problem with the pagination on the products list page under the WooCommerce Multilingual section
= 3.7.10 =
* Fixed a small issue with the product translations editor (additional toolbar showing)
* Fixed a compatibility issue with Memcached on Siteground: product category archive pages were returning 404
* Bug fix: the price widget was not using the correct values with multi-currency mode on
* Bug fix: in some cases the costs for International Shipping were not calculated correctly in the secondary languages
* Bug fix: When using comma for a decimal separator, for custom prices, the rounded values were not determined correctly
* Bug fix: In some cases, translated product variations were displayed as 'out of stock' on the front end.
* Fixed a fatal error occurring when selecting the WPML admin language to 'All languages' on the WooCommerce settings page
* Compatibility with WooThemes Mix and Match Products
* Fixed a bug preventing a shipping to be set to a variation when the default language of the product was not English
* Fixed a bug that was sometimes preventing the 'incl. vat' suffix to be displayed on prices
* Fixed a compatibility issue with Gravity Forms Product Add-Ons
= 3.7.9 =
* Fixed an issue prevent the correct plugin activation in some cases
* Fixed an issue potentially causing uncatched errors when using some specific payment gateways
= 3.7.8 =
* Updated the logic for downloading WooCommerce translations from translate.wordpress.org
* Compatibility with WooCommerce Bookings 1.9 (and fixed othe small compatibility issues with older versions)
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Subscriptions: the sign-up fee was not correct in the 2nd currency
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Subscriptions: a fatal error was triggered during the checkout process in some circumstances
* Fixed other compatibility issues with WooCommerce Subscriptions: endpoints, incorrect signup fee in secondary currency
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Payment Gateways: some strings were registered/changed when on checkout
* Bug fix: variations created with Any were not showing the user selected attribute when added to the cart
* Bug fix: it was not possible to changeor or set the "Set prices in other currencies manually" option for a duplicate product
* Fixed a compatibiilty issue with WooCommerce Bulk Stock Management (the 'out of stock' flag was not synced)
* Bug fix: private products were visible to all users on grouped products
* Bug fix: the tax label could register in the wrong language sometimes and then it was not possible to translate it correctly
* Bug fix: partial the subject and heading for the refund emails were not translated when sent to users who had placed orders in secondary languages
= 3.7.7 =
* Fixed an issue that was causing a fatal error for sites using the Flatsome theme
* Fixed an issue with translating standard tax rate name
* Fixed an issue with product categories widget
* Fixed issue with variable products in cart ( local attributes not translated after switching language )
* Added filter for _load_filters function in multi-currency class
* Set variations as translatable post type
= 3.7.6 =
* Fixed several problems with the permalinks when using the slash character in the bases
* Fixed an issue with coupons: the coupons were not applied according to the minimum amount of the cart in the current currency
* Fixed one compatibility issue with the Flatsome theme
* Fixed a bug preventing the shop page link to be translated correctly to the other languages (when using WPML 3.3.1+)
= 3.7.5 =
* Fixed a backward compatibility with WPML versions prior 3.2 (causing fatal error)
* Bug fix: in some specific cases variations were not created correctly - 'Any %name%' instead of term value
* Bug fix: updating a product for which attached media had been deleted caused a warning (WooCommerce issue: 9681)
* Fixed an issue with completing PayPal payments when using the default permalinks and the language as a parameter in the urls
* Fixed an issue with order notes in the WP admin: 'array' was displayed instead of the actual note
= 3.7.4 =
* Fixed a problem with the previous version that caused a fatal error when upgrading
= 3.7.3 =
* Added support for translating custom attributes (for variations) via the professional translation
* Added support for translating products tab information (WooCommerce Tab Manager) via the professional translation
* Added support for translating persons and resources (WooCommerce Bookings) via the professional translation
* Added support for translating products bundle data (WooCommerce Product Bundles) via the professional translation
* Added extended compatibility and support for professional translation for WooCommerce Composite Products
* Bug fix: it was not possible to set a product translation as draft when the original was published
* Bug fix: in some cases the product categories hierarchy (and count) was not sycned across translations
* Bug fix: the custom title and description of a bundle of a translated product was removed after updating the original product
* Bug fix: custom fields that did not have any translation preference were wrongfully copied across translations
* Bug fix: multi-currency was not working properly for product variations when the "Show only products with custom prices in secondary currencies" option was on
* Fixed an important compatibility issue with Yoast SEO (fatal error when using Yoast SEO 3.0+)
* Bug fix: wcml_check_on_duplicate_products_in_cart was incorrectly duplicated specific items in the cart
= 3.7.2 =
* Added synchronization for the 'featured' flag (star) for products across translations
* Fixed one compatibility problem with WooCommerce Bookings: bookings were not filtered by language on the front end
* Fixed one compatibility problem with WooCommerce Composite Products (causing a fatal error when viewing a composite product)
* Bug fix: in some cases the cart total in a secondary currency was wrongfully rounded instead of showing the decimals
* Bug fix: translated products were not published on the same schedule when using the future publishing
* Bug fix: in some situations variations could not be created for a variable product with global attributes that contained special characters
* Bug fix: wrong currency was used in an order when the currency was changed while placing the order and checkingout with Paypal
* Bug fix: the relationship of a duplicate product with the original was lost when the original was updated.
= 3.7.1 =
* Compatibility fixes for WooCommerce Bookings and WooCommerce Composite Products
* Fixed a typo in a function that caused a fatal error
= 3.7 =
* Added support for strings in different languages. Translated strings are not required to be in English (Requires WPML 3.3+)
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Bookings: bookings in all languages showing on calendar (requires WooCommerce Bookings 1.8+)
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Bookings: deleting a reservation did not delete translations too (requires WooCommerce Bookings 1.8+)
* Fixed a PayPal checkout issue when multi-currency was enabled and the decimal separator was set to comma and thousands separator was set to dot
* Fixed a compatibility issue with WooCommerce Product Addons: adding a second item for the same product added the first product again too
* Bug fix: a slash character was missing the in product breadcrumb when the translated page slug was identical to the one in the default language
* Bug fix: incorrect cost for the flat rate shipping was displayed in certain circumstances
* Improved compatibility with Gravity Forms Product Addons for translating the cart data
* Removed a deprecated hook used for the compatibility with WooCommerce Subscriptions
* Bug fix: cart_widget.js code was loaded in places that it wasn't needed
* Bug fix: in a specific case, the price in a secondary currency was not displayed correctly (the amount in the original currency was displayed)
* Bug fix: content was disappearing when switching between the visual and text editors on the product translation editor
* Bug fix: when using attributes that were numeric values a catchable fatal error was triggered
= 3.6.11 =
* Fixed one issue that was causing a fatal error when an older version WPML was used (
= 3.6.10 =
* Bug fix: Custom prices for variations were not saved when clicking the 'Save changes' button
* Bug fix: Pagination was not working for a category having the term id equal to the id of the account page
* Bug fix: 'Shop' was appearing two times in the breadcrumbs when using the shop base + category for a product url base
* Bug fix: Fixed one issue with WooCommerce Bookings - adding two separate bookings to the cart showed as one item instead of two
* Bug fix: The products menu order was not synced in some situations
* Fixed a compatibility issue with the Peddlar theme
* Fixed a styling issue on the custom prices section for product variations
* Updates for the compatibility with WooCommerce Product Bundles from the plugin author
* Bug fix: Sometimes it was not possible to enable the slug translation for a custom post when WooCommerce Multilingual was active
= 3.6.9 =
* Bug fix: Prices for variable products were not converted correctly when using multiple currencies after the WooCommerce 2.4 update
* Bug fix: Variations translations were not created when using custom attributes with space characters in them
* Bug fix: When the option to show only products with custom prices in the secondary currencies was on, no products were displayed
* Changed the order in which the products are displayed on the WooCommerce Multilingual products editor: chronological DESC
= 3.6.8 =
* Added a series of compatibility fixes for WooCommerce 2.4.x (custom attributes, endpoints)
* Bug fix: Incorrect prices were calculated for Table Rate Shipping (bug originally fixed in version 3.6.5)
* Bug fix: WooCommerce Bookings - when you deleted a booking from the backend, the calendar on the front end did not update
* Bug fix: WooCommerce Bookings - translations of a booking post were not deleted when the original post was deleted
* Bug fix: WooCommerce Bookings - booking product appeared multiple times in the cart in some cases
* Bug fix: WooCommerce Bookings - when a booking product was created from the backend, multiple posts were created in some cases
* Bug fix: 'Stock Qty' field was not locked in the translated variations section
= 3.6.7 =
* Bug fix: Converted prices in secondary currencies were incorrect in some situations. e.g. For VND with an VND:EUR exchange rate of 30,000:1
* Bug fix: Wrong urls were displayed in the language switcher for product category or product tag urls
= 3.6.6 =
* Fixed a bug that was causing a PHP warning when using a WPML version prior 3.2
= 3.6.5 =
* Enabled the WooCommerce Bookings compatibility support
* Bug fix: Fixed a bug that caused a wrong price to be displayed when adding a product in the cart from two different languages
* Bug fix: After a product translation was edited in the standard product editor, the WooCommerce custom attribute translations were lost
* Bug fix: The product variations failed to sync when the term_id was different than the term_taxonomy_id for the terms used to create the variations
* Bug fix: Some product translations were showing non existing discounted prices
* Fixed a couple of compatibility issues with WooCommerce Product Bundles (e.g. with using the Flatsome theme)
* Fixed a small usability issue related to Sensei
* Bug fix: Stock quantity not synchronized when items were used in orders created in the backend
* Bug fix: Payment gateways strings were not registered for string translation
* Bug fix: Global Attributes were not translated in the WooCommerce Mail
* Bug fix: In some cases the WooCommerce endpoints were not translated correctly
* Bug fix: An extra 'a' tag was added to products in the mini-cart
* Bug fix: A 404 error was returned on the translated product category archive page
* Bug fix: Some shipping methods were displayed incorrectly on the cart page when using Table Rate Shipping
* Bug fix: In some cases prices showing the Paypal order summary included decimals even if the prices were supposed to be rounded to integers
* Bug fix: When adding different variations of a product, a single variation was added more times
* Bug fix: Urls in the secondary languages were not working properly when using the deafault translations (from teh mo files) instead of translating tehm with string translation
* Bug fix: In some cases some email notification strings were not registered
* Fixed a compatibility problem with Dynamic Pricing: in a specific context, based on a price rule, the end price was multiplied by a factor with each page reload
= 3.6.4 =
* Bug fix: Parse error: syntax error, unexpected T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM (introduced in 3.6.1)
* Bug fix: In some conditions it was not possible to load product pages in other languages than the default.
* Bug fix: Fixed some compatibility issues with Product Bundles
= 3.6.3 =
* Fixed a bug causing a PHP warning when using an older version of WPML String Translation
= 3.6.2 =
* Bug fix: A product could appear multiple times in the cart when added in different languages
* Bug fix: Product attribute labels translations were not showing on the frontend in some circumstances
* Bug fix: Attributes labels translations not showing on the 'Add product' admin panel
* Bug fix: The flags for custom languages were not showing correctly on the products editor screen
* Bug fix: The currency switcher was missing from the WooCommerce Status dashboard widget (in version 3.6.1)
* Bug fix: The auto-adjust ids functionality from WPML was not working with wc_get_product_terms
* Bug fix: The 'shop' link was stripped out of the breadcrumb in the Woocommerce product page.
* Bug fix: The product category template was not working correctly in secondary languages
* Bug fix: Fixed a problem with sanitize_title for variations in Danish and German
* Moved the Tab manager settings to separate file from the WCML config
* Duplicates for media are now being created, if missing, when product translations are created.
* Bug fix: Fixed a fatal error that was occurring when the WPML was not updated to version 3.2 while the WPML addons were updated to the latest versions.
= 3.6.1 =
* Updated the taxonomy translation synchronization to be compatible with WPML 3.2
* Bug fix: the notice that shows up on the general settings page when the default language is not English did not hide when it was dismissed.
* Bug fix: after adding a new currency and reloading the page, the new currency was gone. Also the exchange rate was wrong after re-adding teh currency.
* Bug fix: an incorrect currency was being passed to the payment gateway when paying for an order created in the backend.
* Bug fix: the prices in the custom currencies were not saved when a product was published.
* Bug fix: extra backslashes were added when translating custom attribute name in products.
* Bug fix: custom product categories template was not working as expected
* Bug fix: updating WordPress language packs was not working when using custom locale codes in WPML
* Bug fix: Variable products returned error in secondary language "This product is currently out of stock and unavailable."
* Bug fix: The publishing date was not updating on translation when changed on the product in the original language
* Bug fix: Attributes with the value "0" value were not displayed on the front end
* Bug fix: Modified Free shipping label could not be translated
* Bug fix: When editing product translations it was possible to save an empty slug.
= 3.6 =
* Added the ability to edit the slugs of the translated products in the products editor
* Added the option to show only products with custom prices on the front end
* Performance improvements: fewer db queries, caching. Up to 40% faster on large sites.
* Support for the 'lang' parameter in WooCommerce REST API calls
* Option to hide the default currency selector on the product page
* Bug fix: Fixed a design issue on the 'connect with translation' pop-up on products.
* Bug fix: Accessing the source content in the WooCommerce Multilingual product translation content editor was not possible sometimes.
* Bug fix: 'Invisible' products were showing as links in the cart instead of just names.
* Bug fix: The cart_widget.js code was always loaded.
* Bug fix: Screen Options & Check All not working on WooCommerce Orders page
* Bug fix: Sometimes the IPN Url sent to Paypal was wrong causing a 404 error after the payment was complete
* Bug fix: Translated endpoint pages were sometimes returning 404
* Bug fix: When using a default language different than English, the product permalink base was not in English.
= 3.5.5 =
* Bug fixed: Custom attributes were disappearing after updating a product in the WooCommerce native product editor
* Tested compatibility with WordPress 4.2
* Security review and fixes
* Made the key "woocommerce_cancelled_order_settings" translatable
* Email heading and subject sent after placing an order were not translated when using ‘Complete’ button on orders page
* Bug fixed: warning about minimum order requirement always showing in some conditions when using a child theme
= 3.5.4 =
* Bug fixed: Can't access source content in WCML product translation table
* Bug fixed: Custom Post Types leads to 404 error
= 3.5.3 =
* Bug fixed: Redirection issues with "Your latest posts" as a front page
* Bug fixed: Yoast fileds not saved in WooCommerce Multilingual products table
* Bug fixed: Translated endpoints returns page not found
* Bug fixed: Custom fields are locked in variation section
= 3.5.2 =
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.3.x
* Bug fixed: Redirection issues with "Shop" page as front page
* Bug fixed: Language column was missing from the products list page
* Bug fixed: Product tags disappeared after updating the product attribute 'size'
* Bug fixed: Featured image title and text were not editable in the WooCommerce Multilingual Translation Table
* Bug fixed: Only first three attributes were available for translation
* Bug fixed: The shipping fee was not converted correctly when using the multi-currency mode
* Bug fixed: The default currency configuration (decimal & thousand separator) was ignored when the multi-currency was active
* Bug fixed: Subsequent request to product preview page lead to a 404 page.
* Bug fixed: 'Insert link' button on the visual editor of the products translations screen was not working.
* Bug fixed: Fixed another compatibility problem with WooCommerce Product Tabs
* Bug fixed: A variable product was showing an incorrect price in the cart
* Bug fixed: The flat rate shipping was showing the wrong price on the checkout page in certain conditions
= 3.5.1 =
* Bug fixed: Performance issue with queries number
= 3.5 =
* Added support for creating products in secondary languages only.
* Added enhancements for the Woocommerce Multilingual products table (filter by original language, display language flag).
* Added option to synchronize the products and product taxonomies order.
* Bug fixed: The cart was not updating quantities for variable product (when have more than one variable in the cart).
* Bug fixed: The cart total was not updating when using get_cart_total() and get_cart_subtotal() functions in other plugins or themes.
* Bug fixed: Wrong price format and order total were displayed on the new order page in the WP admin
* Bug fixed: The featured image and the gallery images were overridden when updating translations
* Bug fixed: Fixed the 'Keep' option that allows keeping the same currency on teh front end, when switching the language.
* Bug fixed: Fixed a javascript error that was showing when changing currencies order
* Bug fixed: The decimal number was not working correctly for the default currency
* Bug fixed: Fixed a compatibility problem with WooCommerce Product Tabs
* Bug fixed: A coupon was applied incorrectly to all products in the cart when they were defined for specific product variations.
* Bug fixed: WooCommerce note email language was not correct
* Bug fixed: WooCommerce reports were showing duplicate products
* Bug fixed: When using WordPress in a folder, the checkout showed an 'expired session' error message.
* Added support currency argument in raw_price_filter
= 3.4.3 =
* Bug fixed: Incorrect decimal separator for prices on WordPress admin
* Bug fixed: ‘Insert link’ button not working on products translator interface.
* Bug fixed: Switching currency after adding to cart was adding an additional item
* Bug fixed: Review setting not preserved on translation of variable product
* Bug fixed: “Visible on the products page” option for product attributes was still selectable for product translation.
* Bug fixed: Translation status icon not updated on products translator page
* Bug fixed: Shipping rate was lost when WPML is activated
* Bug fixed: WooCommerce ‘sort by’ links going to blog not products
* Bug fixed: Option to select currency position was missing immediately after a new currency was added
= 3.4.2 =
* Accommodated taxonomy translation changes in WPML
= 3.4.1 =
* Bug fix: A variable product was somtimes breaking the shopping cart
* Fixes added for translating custom fields that are textareas
= 3.4 =
* Additional support for updating the WooCommerce translations.
* Added currency switcher for the WooCommerce status widget on the WordPress admin dashboard.
* Usability fixes for the translation of custom attributes in the WooCommerce native editor.
* Added validation for the sale amount when using custom prices with multi-currency.
* Bug fixed: Incorrect currency symbol position on edit order page.
* Bug fixed: Incorrect currency displayed for order when editing an order in the backend.
* Bug fixed: Coupon option 'Exclude sale items' was not being applied correctly. Sale items were not excluded.
* Bug fixed: Currency switcher widget was not showing under the available widgets list in the backend.
* Bug fixed: The breadcrumbs structure dropped the shop page when WooCommerce Multilingual was activated.
* Bug fixed: Manually adding a product to an order is not taking a custom price (secondary currency) if set.
* Bug fixed: Error when trying to add a category when “All languages” was selected in the admin language switcher.
= 3.3.4 =
* Fixed bug related to back-compatibility with WooCommerce versions < 2.2.*
= 3.3.3 =
* Compatibility with WooCommerce 2.2.x
* Auto-download WooCommerce translations for active and new languages
* Page titles translations for WooCommerce pages taken from WooCommerce Multilingual .mo files
* Product base, product category slug, product tag slug and product attribute bases will always have to be translated via String Translation (not using WooCommerce translations from the mo files)
* Added warning message on settings page when product base not translated to all languages
* Fixed: Base currency format ignored after adding additional currency
* Fixed: Shipping class names were displayed wrong on the WooCommerce settings page when switching the admin language
* Fixed: WooCommerce pages were not working correctly after changing the default language
* Fixed: WooCommerce native interface doesn't copy the variations prices
= 3.3.2 =
* Fixed: 'Language warning' appears when editing product translations using the native WooCommerce editor
* Fixed: Variation cannot be added to an existing order
* Fixed: Media Attachment controls for products missing
* Prevented disabling of option to use slugs in different language for products
* Fixed: Slashes not stripped correctly in product translation editor
* Fixed: 'Copy content' button not working on product translations
* Disable admin language switcher on the Product => Attributes screen
* Allow 'woocommerce_price_display_suffix' to be translated with String Translation
* Allow 'woocommerce_email_from_name' and 'woocommerce_email_from_address' to be translated with String Translation
* Fixed: Menu order is not synced when using "drag and drop" in Products => Sort Products
* Fixed: One WooCommerce attribute field won't translate
* Fixed: Variations not showing in the correct language in some circumstances
* Optimizations for the WooCommerce Multilingual products admin page - faster when a large number of products exist
* Duplicate translations too when duplicating a WooCommerce product
* Fixed: WC Price Filter showing the wrong currency
* Ability to use any currency when creating an order in the backend.
= 3.3.1 =
* Some strings were showing in the wrong language on the cart and checkout page.
* Product category urls - in some cases the product category urls didn�t work on sites with the default language different than English.
* Products gallery images synchronization - sometimes, when synchronizing products "gallery images" and categories, the result was not updated correctly on the Troubleshooting page
* Fixed issues related to WooCOmmerce Dynamic Pricing
* Supoprt for translating WooCommerce 2.1+ endpoints
* 'Continue Shopping' button pointing to the wrong url
* Problem with short links
* Fixed some issues with Table Rate Shipping
= 3.3 =
* Performance improvements: optimized database queries
* Support rounding rules for converted prices
* More advanced GUI for Multi-currency options
* GUI for currency switchers (including widget)
* Added option to synchronize product category display type & thumbnail
* Performance improvement for WCML_Terms::translate_category_base (avoid switching locales)
* Send admin notifications to admin default language
* Dependencies update: WooCommerce Multilingual requires WPML 3.1.5
* Set language information for existing products when installing WCML the first time.
* Do not allow disabling all currencies for a language
* Removed �clean up test content� and �send to translation� dropdown on products editor page
* Message about overwritten settings in wpml-config made more explicit
* Lock �Default variation� select field in product translations
* After change shipping method on cart page we will see not translated strings
* Fixed bug related to shipping cost calculation in multi-currency mode
* With php magic quotes on, products translations with quotes have backslashes
* Bug related to translation of grouped products � simple product not showing up on front end
* Stock actions on the order page don�t work correct with translated products
* For Orders save attributes in default language and display them on order page in admin language
* Attribute Label appearing untranslated in backend order
* Memory issues on the Products tab when we have a large number of products
* �product-category� not translated in the default language.
* �WCML_Products� does not have a method �translated_cart_item_name�
* Order completed emails sent in default currency
* Language suffix (e.g. @en) not hidden for product attributes on the front end
* Quick edit functionality issues fixed
* Fixed �Call to undefined method WC_Session_Handler::get()�
* Fatal error when updating the order status to �complete�
* Currency is not converted when you switch language until you refresh the page.
* �Super Admin� not able to see the WCML menu
* Checkout validation errors in default language instead of user language
* Fixes for compatibility with Tab manager: Can�t translate �Additional Information� tab title
* Bug: SEO title & meta description changed to original
* Bug: 404 on �view my order� on secondary language using �language name added as a parameter�
* Bug: Permalink placeholders appear translated when using default language different than English
* Fixes for compatibility with Table Rate shipping: shipping classes not decoded correctly in multi-currency mode
* Bug: �show all products� link on WCML products page points to the wrong page � no products
* Bug fix: product page redirecting to homepage when the product post type slug was identical in different languages and �language added as a parameter� was set
* Bug fixes related to File paths functionality (WooComemrce 2.1.x)
* Bug: Product parents not synced between translations (grouped products)
* Bug: Grouped products title incomplete
* Bug: Db Error when saving translation of variable products with custom attributes
* Bug: WooCommerce translated product attributes with spaces not showing
* Bug: Deactivated currency still appears if you maintain the default currency for that language to �Keep�.
* Bug: Incorrect shipping value on translated page
* Bug: Reports for products including only products in the current language (WooCommerce 2.1.x)
* Bug: WooCommerce translated product attributes with spaces not showing
* Bug: Problems creating translations for shop pages when existing pages were trashed
* Bug fix: Fatal error when Multi-currency is not enabled and �Table Rate Shipping� plugin is active
* Fixed bug in compatibility with Tab Manager
* Bug fix: Cart strings falling to default language after updating chosen shipping method
* Bug fix: Reports not including selected product/category translations
= 3.2.1 =
* Fixed bug related to product category urls translaiton
* Fixed bug related to back-compatibility with WooCommerce 2.0.20
= 3.2 =
* Compatibility with upcoming WooCommerce 2.1
* Multi-currency support: configure currencies per languages
* Multi-currency support: custom prices for different currencies
* Support translation for the attribute base (permalinks)
* Bug: Emails not sent in the correct language when uses bulk action on orders list page
* Bug: Order notes email in wrong language in certain circumstances
* Bug: Shipping method names are being registered in the wrong language
* Bug: WooCommerce Multilingual menu doesn't display for translators
* Bug: Using 'category' for products cat slug conflicts with posts 'category'
* Bug: Paypal rejects payments with decimals on certain currencies
= 3.1 =
* Support for multi-currency (independent of language) BETA
* Support for translating products via ICanLocalize (professional translation)
* Option to synchronize product translation dates
* Compatibility with Table Rate Shipping and other extensions
* Better handling for couponse
* Fixed bug: product attributes not saved on orders
* Fixed bug: Can't get to the cart & checkout pages if they are set as child pages
* Fixed bug: Style conflicts in Dashboard for Arabic
* Fixed various issues with notification emails
* Fixed bug: Variable products default selection is not copied to translations.
* Fixed bug: Product Table is not showing Product Draft count
= 3.0.1 =
* Replaced deprecated jQuery function live()
* Fixed bug: language names not localized on products editor page
* Fixed bug: Can't set "Custom post type" to translate
* Fixed bug: Translation fields not visible - In certain circumstances (e.g. search) the translation fields corresponding to the translated languages were missing
* Fixed alignment for �Update/Save� button in the products translation editor
* Fixed bug: Default selection not copied to duplicate products
* Fixed bug: Price doesn't change when change language on the cart page when set "I will manage the pricing in each currency myself"
* Resolved one compatibility issue with Woosidebars
* Direct translators to the products translation editor automatically (instead of the standard post translation editor)
* Fixed bug: In some situations (different child categories with the same name) the wrong categories were set to a duplicated product.
* Enhancement: Add icons for products in the products translation editor
* Register WooCommerce strings (defined as admin texts in the wpml config file) automatically on plugin activation
* WPML (+addons) - new versions required.
* lcfirst is only available since php 5.3
* Identify fields on known plugins and show their human name in our product translation table (support for WordPress SEO for now)
= 3.0 =
* Brand new GUI and workflow
* Support for easy taxonomy translation
* Variations synchronization
* Product images synchronization
= 2.3.3 =
* Fix logout link not working in secondary language
* Fix accepting orders in backend leading to 404
* Set email headings & subjects as translatable
* Set order language when sending order emails from admin
* Sync product tags the same way as categories
* Fix bug in ajax product search filter
* Support for WooCommerce Brands extension (http://www.woothemes.com/products/brands/)
* Initial support for Translation Editor
* Fix bug with cart currency updates and variations
* Fix language in new customer note notifications
= 2.3.2 =
* Sync also default options for custom attributes.
* Global resync (done only once) of the orderings of product attribute values and categories across all languages.
* Fixed a bug and a corner case in variation synchronization.
= 2.3.1 =
* Fixed incompatibility with PHP 5.2
= 2.3 =
* Refactor translation and currency conversion of products & variations in cart
* A problem we had with shipping selection was resolved in WooCommerce itself
* Improved synchronization of global product attributes, whether used for variations or not
* Custom product attributes registered as strings when defined in the backend
* Don't adjust the currency symbol in WooCommerce settings page
* Term and product category order is synchronized among languages
* Additional filters for WooCommerce emails
* Fixed layered nav widgets in translated shop page
* Synchronize Product Categories
= 2.2 =
* Price in mini-cart refreshed when changing language
* Fix bug in multilingual currency setting that slipped in 2.1
= 2.1 =
* Add admin notices for required plugins
* Add support for 'Review Order' and 'Lost Password' pages
* Fix rounding issues in currency conversion
* Variations: pick translated terms using 'trid' gives better results
* Variations: sync to all languages when there are more than 2 languages
* Improvement: load JS/CSS only when needed
= 2.0 =
* Fix variation sync to more than one language
* Fix custom field sync for new variations
* Fix rounding of amounts in PayPal
* Adjust product stock sync to WC 2.x
* Add automatic id translation of logout page
* Adjust permalink warnings to WC 2.x
* Clean up code
= 1.5 =
* Fixed manually setting prices in translated products.
* Take advantage of WPML's new slug translation feature.
* Added the possibility of translating custom attributes.
* Improvements to product variation synchronization.
* Fixed product stock sync for variable products .
* Fix and improve checks made to incompatible permalink configurations.
* Fix tax label translation when there is more than one of them.
* Send order notifications in the language the order was made.
* Removed several warnings and updated deprecated code.
* Cleanup language configuration file and add missing strings.
= 1.4 =
* Allow translating the 'Terms & Conditions' page.
* Register shipping methods strings for translation.
* Register several tax-related strings for translation.
* Fix registration of payment gateway titles and descriptions.
* Synchronize the default attribute of a variable product across its translations.
* Allow saving WooCommerce/Settings while using a non-default language.
* Fix problems when the shop page is at the home page.
* Allow using Wordpress default permalink structure aswell.
* Fix amount sent to payment gateway when using multiple currencies.
* Fix for language switcher in shop pages (fixed in WPML)
* Fix for subscriptions module price not showing (fixed in WPML)
* Rewrite product variation sync: each variation is related to its translations, sync becomes easier
* Remove several PHP warnings and notices.
* Send order status update emails in the language the order was made.
= 1.3 =
* Fixed all custom fields synchronization between translations
* Fixed the stock issue for translations
* Fixed the price filter widget for multiple currencies feature
* Fixed product duplication to a second language
* Payment gateways texts now are translatable
* Custom variables translations now will be shown in the correct language
= 1.2 =
* Added helpful documentation buttons
* Added makes new attributes translatable automatically
* Added payment gateways translations
* Fixed order statuses disappeared in the orders page
* Fixed attributes translations in duplicated variations
* Fixed PHP warning when adding variations is in question
= 1.1 =
* Added multi-currency feature
* Fixed synchronization of attributes and variations
* Fixed translation of attributes
* Fixed JS error in the checkout page
* Fixed enable guest checkout (no account required) issue
* Fixed Up-sells/Cross-sells search (showed all translated products)
* Fixed 'Show post translation link' repeating issue
= 1.0 =
* Fixed 'Return to store' URL
* Fixed language selector for the translated shop base pages
* Fixed the product remove URL in the translated language
* Fixed the checkout URL in the translated language
* Fix to prevent incorrect product URL in the shop base page when the permalink is not 'shop'
= 0.9 =
* First release
== Upgrade Notice ==
= 2.0 =
More variation fixes and compatibility with WooCommerce 2.x
= 1.5 =
Variation translation works a lot better now. This version runs best with WooCommerce 1.6.6.
= 1.4 =
This version runs with WooCommerce 1.6.5.x and 1.7.x. Recommeded WPML version is 2.6.2 and above.
= 1.3 =
Fixed compatibility between WooCommerce 1.5.8 and WPML 2.5.2
= 1.2 =
Added a few improvements and fixed bugs.
= 1.1 =
Fixed a few bugs. Added multi-currency mode.
= 1.0 =
Recommended update! Fixed a few bugs;
= 0.9 =
* First release