# Copyright (c) Cloud Linux Software, Inc
# http://cloudlinux.com/docs/LICENCE.TXT
import os
import json
import hashlib
from . import utils
from . import auth
from . import selinux
from . import http_utils
from . import config
from . import errors
from . import constants
import kcsig_verify # noqa: E402
SIG_VERIFY_ORDER = [constants.SIG, constants.SIG_JSON]
GPG_BIN = '/usr/bin/gpg'
GPG_KEY_DIR = '/var/lib/kcare/gpg'
CONTENT_FILE = 'release.content.json'
def fetch_signature(url, dst, do_auth=False):
urlopen_local = http_utils.urlopen
if do_auth:
urlopen_local = auth.urlopen_auth
if config.FORCE_JSON_SIG_V3:
sig_exts = SIG_VERIFY_ORDER[::-1]
for sig_ext in sig_exts:
signature = urlopen_local(url + sig_ext)
except errors.NotFound as nf:
if sig_ext == sig_exts[-1]:
raise nf # pragma: no cover
sig_dst = dst + sig_ext # pragma: no cover
utils.save_to_file(signature, sig_dst)
return sig_dst
def check_gpg_bin():
if not os.path.isfile(GPG_BIN):
raise errors.KcareError('No {0} present. Please install gnupg'.format(GPG_BIN))
def check_gpg_signature(file_path, signature): # mocked: tests/unit
Check a file signature using the gpg tool.
If signature is wrong BadSignatureException will be raised.
:param file_path: path to file which signature will be checked
:param signature: a file with the signature
:return: True in case of valid signature
:raises: BadSignatureException
if signature.endswith(constants.SIG_JSON):
root_keys = os.path.join(GPG_KEY_DIR, 'root-keys.json')
kcsig_verify.verify(signature, file_path, root_keys)
except kcsig_verify.Error as e:
raise errors.BadSignatureException('Bad Signature: {0}: {1}'.format(file_path, str(e)))
with open(signature, 'rb') as f:
sigdata = f.read()
keyring = os.path.join(GPG_KEY_DIR, 'kcare_pub.key')
kcsig_verify.run_gpg_verify(keyring, file_path, sigdata)
except Exception as e:
raise errors.BadSignatureException('Bad Signature: {0}: {1}'.format(file_path, str(e)))
# BadSignatureException is the only side effect of interrupted connection,
# should retry file extraction in this case
@utils.retry(errors.check_exc(errors.BadSignatureException), count=3, delay=0)
def fetch_url(url, dst, check_signature=False, hash_checker=None):
response = auth.urlopen_auth(url)
tmp = selinux.selinux_safe_tmpname(dst)
utils.save_to_file(response, tmp)
if hash_checker:
hash_checker.check(url, tmp)
elif check_signature:
signature = fetch_signature(url, tmp, do_auth=True)
check_gpg_signature(tmp, signature)
os.rename(tmp, dst)
return response
class HashChecker(object):
def __init__(self, baseurl, content_file):
self.content_file = content_file
self.url_prefix = utils.get_patch_server_url(baseurl).rstrip('/') + '/'
self.hashes = json.loads(utils.read_file(content_file))['files']
def check(self, url, fname):
cfname = url[len(self.url_prefix) :]
if cfname not in self.hashes:
raise errors.KcareError('Invalid checksum: {0} not found in content file {1}'.format(cfname, self.content_file))
hsh = hashlib.sha256(utils.read_file_bin(fname)).hexdigest()
expected_hsh = self.hashes[cfname]['sha256']
if hsh != expected_hsh:
raise errors.BadSignatureException(
'Invalid checksum: {0} has invalid checksum {1}, expected {2}'.format(fname, hsh, expected_hsh)
def get_hash_checker(level):
if not config.USE_CONTENT_FILE_V3:
return None
if not level.baseurl:
return None
dst = level.cache_path(CONTENT_FILE)
if not os.path.exists(dst):
# here we also implicitly check content file signature
fetch_url(utils.get_patch_server_url(level.baseurl, CONTENT_FILE), dst, config.USE_SIGNATURE)
except errors.NotFound:
return None
return HashChecker(level.baseurl, dst)
def wrap_with_cache_key(clbl):
"""Enrish request with a cache key, and save it if responce had."""
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
cache_key = utils.get_cache_key()
if cache_key is not None:
if 'headers' not in kwargs:
kwargs['headers'] = {}
kwargs['headers'][constants.CACHE_KEY_HEADER] = cache_key
resp = clbl(*args, **kwargs)
new_cache_key = resp.headers.get(constants.CACHE_KEY_HEADER)
if new_cache_key is not None and new_cache_key != cache_key:
utils.atomic_write(constants.CACHE_KEY_DUMP_PATH, new_cache_key)
return resp
return wrapper