// SVNManager config.php file for Linux based servers
//You can find the available localizations in a linux shell by typing: locale -a
//Warning: Please set this correct if you want to support exotic repository names
$lang = "en_US.UTF-8";
//Shell command's
$htpassword_cmd = "[[htpassword_cmd]]";
$svn_cmd = "[[svn_cmd]]";
$svnadmin_cmd = "[[svnadmin_cmd]]";
//Subversion locations
$svn_config_dir = "[[svn_config_dir]]";
$svn_repos_loc = "[[svn_repos_loc]]";
$svn_passwd_file = "[[svn_passwd_file]]";
$svn_access_file = "[[svn_access_file]]";
//If the following is set, removing a repository will cause it to be
//moved to this location rather than being deleted.
$svn_trash_loc = "";
// If $svnserve_user_file is defined, then SVNManager will create a
// user/password file suitable for use with SVNSERVE
// When not set, this feature isn't enabled.
// Warning: When enabled, this mode requires that passwords are stored in the database readable!
// Note: When is feature is enabled later, passwords need to be re-set before they are included in
// the svnserve user file.
//$svnserve_user_file = "/var/www/repos/svnserve_passwd_file";
//SMTP Server for outgoing mail
$smtp_server = "smtp.mailserver.net";
//Data Source Name (only tested with mysql and sqlite!!)
//A database will be automatically created when SVNManager is first started, if you
//make sure that the credentials have database creation rights!
//An empty SQLite database will automatically be generated with the first
//Please note that if you change the directory for a SQLite database that you
//choose a location that is not accessible via web!!
$dsn = "mysqli://[[softdbuser]]:[[softdbpass]]@[[softdbhost]]/[[softdb]]";
//The following location for SQLite is not readable from internet by means of an .htaccess file
//$dsn = "sqlite://svnmanager/svnmanager.db";
//Administrator account (only for first time use, when you create an admin user this account will be unusable)
$admin_name = "admin";
$admin_temp_password = "admin";
// If $post_create_script is defined, then this script / command will be
// executed after a repository is created.
// When the script/command is executed the one and only parameter will be
// the physical location of the repository.
// This might copy a default set of hooks or config files
// $post_create_script = "newrepo-script";