package DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule;
require Exporter;
@ISA = qw(Exporter);
use strict;
use constant RULE_NAME => 0;
use constant MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_LEAFS => 2;
sub new {
my $class = shift;
my $rule = bless (\@_, $class);
return $rule;
sub getName {
return $_[0]->[RULE_NAME];
sub name {
return $_[0]->[RULE_NAME];
sub children {
my @rule = @{$_[0]};
return @rule[1..$#rule];
sub getChildren {
my @rule = @{$_[0]};
return @rule[1..$#rule];
sub toString {
my $rule = shift;
if ($#{$rule} > -1) {
return join('', map {
} (1..$#{$rule}) );
} else {
return undef;
sub shrink {
my ($parent, $flags) = @_;
if (($#{$parent} == 0) && ($flags & MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_LEAFS)) {
return undef;
} elsif (($#{$parent} == 1) && ($flags & MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_SINGLES)) {
return $parent->[1]->shrink($flags);
} else {
return $parent->[1];
} elsif ($flags & MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_CHILDREN) {
my @new_children;
foreach my $i (1..$#{$parent}) {
my $child = $parent->[$i]->shrink($flags);
if (
(ref($child) eq 'DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule') &&
($child->name() eq $parent->name())
) {
push @new_children, $child->children() if defined $child->children();
} else {
push @new_children, $child if defined $child;
my $new_rule = DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule->new($parent->name(), @new_children);
return $new_rule->shrink($flags & ~MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_CHILDREN);
} else {
return $parent;
sub extractInner {
my $rule = shift;
return undef if ($#{$rule} == 0);
my @matches;
foreach my $i (1..$#{$rule}) {
my $extract = $rule->[$i]->extract(@_);
next if not defined $extract;
if (ref($extract) eq 'ARRAY') {
push @matches, @{$extract};
} else {
push @matches, $extract;
if ($#matches == -1) {
return undef;
} elsif ($#matches == 0) {
return $matches[0];
} else {
return \@matches;
sub getFields {
return $_[0]->extract('simple_ident_q','table_ident','ident');
sub fields {
return $_[0]->getFields();
sub tables {
return $_[0]->getTables();
sub getTables {
my $rule = shift;
my @tables_array;
my %tables_hash;
my $idents = $rule->extract('table_wild','table_ident','simple_ident_q');
$idents = [$idents] if ref($idents) ne 'ARRAY';
foreach my $ident (@{$idents}) {
my $shrinked_ident = $ident->shrink();
my @children = $shrinked_ident->children();
my $table;
if ($#children == -1) { # No children
$table = $shrinked_ident;
} elsif ($#children == 0) { # One child
$table = $children[0];
} elsif ($#children == 2) {
if (
($shrinked_ident->name() eq 'simple_ident_q') ||
($shrinked_ident->name() eq 'table_wild')
) {
$table = $children[0]; # We have "database.table"
} elsif ($shrinked_ident->name() eq 'table_ident') {
$table = $children[2]; # We have "table.field"
} else {
print STDERR "Assertion: \$\#children == $#children but name() = ".$shrinked_ident->name()."\n";
return undef;
} elsif ($#children == 4) { # We have "database.table.field"
$table = DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule->new( $ident->name(), @children[0..2] );
} else {
print STDERR "Assertion: \$\#children == $#children\n";
return undef;
if (not exists $tables_hash{$table->toString()}) {
push @tables_array, $table;
$tables_hash{$table->toString()} = 1;
return \@tables_array;
sub extract {
my $rule = shift;
foreach my $match (@_) {
return $rule if ($rule->name() eq $match);
return $rule->extractInner(@_);
sub print {
return $_[0]->toString();
sub isEqual {
return 0 if !$_[1]->isa( 'DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule' );
return 0 if $_[0]->name() ne $_[1]->name();
my @left_children = $_[0]->children();
my @right_children = $_[1]->children();
return 0 if @left_children != @right_children;
for( my $i = 0; $i < @left_children; $i++ ) {
return 0 if !$left_children[$i]->isEqual( $right_children[$i] );
return 1;
=head1 NAME
DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule - Access individual elements from the DBIx::MyParsePP parse tree
use DBIx::MyParsePP;
use DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule;
my $parser = DBIx::MyParsePP->new();
my $query = $parser->parse("SELECT 1"); # $query is a DBIx::MyParsePP::Rule object
my $root = $query->root();
print $root->name(); # prints 'query', the top-level grammar rule
my @children = $root->chilren(); #
print $children[0]->name(); # prints 'verb_clause', the second-level rule
print ref($chilren[1]); # prints 'DBIx::MyParsePP::Token'
print $chilren[1]->type(); # prints END_OF_INPUT
print [[[$root->chilren()]->[0]->chilren()]->[0]->chilren()]->[0]->name(); # Prints 'select'
L<DBIx::MyParsePP> uses the C<sql_yacc.yy> grammar from the MySQL source to parse SQL strings. A
parse tree is produced which contains one branch for every rule encountered during parsing. This means
that very deep trees can be produced where only certain branches are important.
=head1 METHODS
C<new($rule_name, @chilren)> constructs a new rule
C<name()> and C<getName()> returns the name of the rule
C<chilren()> and C<getChildren()> return (as array) the right-side items that were matched for that rule, e.g.
its "child branches" in the parse tree.
C<toString()> converts the parse tree back into SQL by walking the tree and gathering all tokens in sequence.
C<extract(@names)> can be used to walk the tree and extract relevant parts. The method returns undef if no
part of the tree matched, a L<DBIx::MyParse::Rule> or a L<DBIx::MyParse::Token> object if a sigle match
was made, or a reference to an array of such objects if several parts matched. Names to the front of the
C<@names> list are matched first.
C<getFields()> or C<fields()> can be used to obtain all fields referenced in a parse tree or a part of it. Those functions
will return <undef> if no fields were referenced or a reference to an array containing C<Rule> objects for each field.
The Rule object can contain several 'ident' subrules if a database and/or a table name was specified for the given field.
C<getTables()> or C<tables()> can be used in the same manner to obtain all tables referenced in the parse tree.
The raw tree produced by L<DBIx::MyParsePP> contains too many branches, many of them not containing any useful information.
The C<shrink($flags)> method is used to convert the tree into a more manageable form. C<$flags> can contain the
following constants joined by C<|>:
C<MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_IDENTICAL> if a parent and a child node are of the same type, they will be merged together. This way
expressions such as C<1 + 1 + 1> or C<col1, col2, col3> will be converted from a nested tree with one item per branch
into a single Rule containing a list of all the items and the tokens between them (e.g. C<+> or C<,>). Expressions
such as C<1 + 2 * 3> will remain as a tree because multiplication and addition have different precedence.
C<MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_LEAFS> will remove any Rules that have no children.
C<MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_SINGLES> will remove any Rules that have just a single child, linking the child directly
to the upper-level Rule.
C<MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_CHILDREN> will apply C<schrink()> recursively for all children.
If no flags are specified, all listed transformations are applied recursively.
# Please note that if you use C<MYPARSEPP_SHRINK_IDENTICAL> on expressions such as "1 + 1 + 1"